Label and meta tag generator

Use the form below to generate ICRA rating labels and, optionally, other meta data for your website. Almost all of the data can be stored on your computer (in a cookie) so that you don’t have to keep entering it every time you use the form.

The form is divided into the following sections:

  • General information about the site to be labelled. A limited amount of personal information is required to satisfy ICRA’s terms and conditions. Click here for details of ICRA’s privacy policy.
  • The ICRA questionnaire itself [Show me]
  • Help and definitions related to the ICRA questionnaire [Show me]
  • ICRA’s terms and conditions [Show me]

Please carefully copy and paste the contents of the box above into a text file and save it on your hard drive where you can find it again. (Create a new file using Windows Notepad or a similar simple text editor). ICRA no longer sends e-mail confirmation.

For detailed instructions on how to add your label to your website, please click here.

If you want to show visitors that your site is labelled with ICRA, please either include this text link:

Labelled with ICRA

or choose a logo button from here. Logo buttons are available in a variety of languages and with US and non-US spellings of “labelled” (labeled).

Now that you have labelled your site, you might like to also do one or more of the following:

  • See how you can you can use watermarking technology to label your images, particularly those with adult content, using the Protecting Kids with Digimarc scheme. It’s free!
  • If your site is suitable for children you might want to certify it with the iWatchDog Program at
  • As a further step, you may like to register your site with Surf Safely. Whilst ICRA is not in any way affiliated with Surf Safely, we recognize this search engine which lists PICS-labelled sites that comply with its own value-based criteria.

These notes are designed to guide you through the labelling of a website’s content using the ICRA descriptors. For more general support please see the faq pages.

Site / Branch or Page?

A whole site is just that, a whole site, accessed by a unique domain name such as If you control a whole domain like this, then you probably want to just get a single label for the whole site. Such a label contains just the url of your site and not a specific file name.

A branch of a site would then be a specific area of that site such as It may be that your site – the bit you control – is actually a branch of a much larger site of which you have no direct control. This is true of some of the large internet communities for example. You’re labelling a branch, not the whole community.

You may also wish to label a specific area of your site differently from the rest. For example, you may have a chat/message board area. OK, label the whole site as NOT having this, but then add a second branch label which does declare the chat. The url in branch labels ends with the name of a directory (folder) on your site, not a specific file name.

In both site-wide and branch labels, you’ll see the term “gen true”. This is an abbreviation for “generic true” and simply means that every page whose url begins with the string quoted in the label will be rated according to that label. In other words, a label that includes the term

gen true for “”

Will be applied to every page and every element within those pages whose URL begins with “”

If you label a single page then you’ll see the term “gen false”. This means that only the page specified in the label is rated. That label will not be applied to any other page or any element within that page such as images. The url in such labels should end with a specific file name such as page1.htm. Please put specific labels in the head section of the page to which they apply.

It is possible to create a label which does not specify any url, i.e. with no gen term. This is useful if you want to include a label in a portable document or if you are an advanced user generating labels for use in HTTP response headers.

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The ICRA descriptors were determined through a process of international consultation trying to establish a system that would give reasonable international consistency. Some descriptors merit additional definitions, because of ambiguities that may arise in the process of translation and to help content providers deal with descriptors that have subjective elements.

“..images, portrayals or descriptions…”

Any presentation including, but not limited to, pictures, no matter how crudely drawn or depicted, written descriptions, oral recitations, and or audio sounds.

Neutral and objective

Note that each descriptor aims at being as neutral and objective as possible, which means that if a site contains depictions of for instance female breasts, that box should be checked. If on a large site, only a small proportion of the content contains certain depictions, you may want to consider labelling that section separately.

“..young children…”

The ICRA international reference group strongly suggested that the categories should reflect a parents concern for young children. For many members of the expert group, young was perceived as under the age of 12.

If in doubt…

…please try to see the material as you think it would be perceived by a reasonable person without any cultural, religious or other bias, when he or she is to determine whether the material is appropriate for young children. Although the descriptors aim at being neutral, there may material where classification is not obvious. Reply in a way that you feel honestly does not mislead cautious parents.

Erections or female genitals in detail, Male genitals, Female genitals, Female breasts, Bare buttocks
  –combined with
Explicit sexual acts, Obscured or implied sexual acts, Visible sexual touching, Passionate kissing.

Not only each descriptor, but the combination of descriptors describes the content. Depictions of genitals may exist in a non sexual context (e.g. naturism and nudism).

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Blood and gore

The portrayal of blood splashing, pools of blood on the ground, objects or persons smeared or stained with blood.

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No further definition of the language descriptors is given since, by its very nature, language is always changing.

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Promotion of discrimination or harm against people:

Promotion of discrimination or harm against any group or person by virtue of membership in a group or based on gender, sexual orientation or ethnic, religious or national identity.

Discrimination in this context is defined as treating differently. This is a broad category including but not limited to, advocating ethnic supremacy, gender discrimination etc. The option allows you to mark expressions to which parents may choose not to expose their children.

Material that might be perceived as setting a bad example for young children:

This is a range of criteria often found in rating of film and may include a number of actions which depending on the context, could make it a concern for parents of young children. For example: picking locks, theft, urinating in public, bomb making, fraud, vandalism or violations of local customs / laws.

Material that might disturb young children:

This is a range of criteria often found in rating of film and may include a number of actions which depending on the context, could make it a concern for parents of young children. For example: material intended to invoke fear, horror, suicide, threats, humiliation, psychological terror, death, suffering, pain, punishment, bullying, abandonment, dramatic accidents, [confusing elements of] irony or parody.

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If the site offers chat, this box should be checked unless the pages, branches or directory containing chat is labelled separately. Labelling branches or pages containing chat separately may be a good idea so children are not barred from otherwise useful material.

Moderated chat suitable for children and teens

Note that this category does not say young children and includes teens. Checking this box is a positive statement that all chat that the label describes is both moderated and suitable for children. If some of the chat is unmoderated, do not check this checkbox.

None of the above

This box should be only be checked if the site either does not contain chat rooms, or the page(s) or branch(es) containing chat are marked separately as containing chat.

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… appears in a context intended to be artistic/medical/educational…

The first part of the statement refers to the intention. Classical painting and sculpture can be assumed to be intended as artistic. Material designed to teach children about sex, would qualify as intended as educational. However…

and is suitable young for children

… the context descriptor also requires a (subjective) pledge that the material is suitable for young children. Material of an explicit violent or sexual nature, even if intended as artistic/medical/educational, may not be suitable for young children. This additional statement encourages caution when claiming “redeeming context”.

This material … only appears in a sports related context

Material that satisfy the criteria under violence, but appears only in a sports context, e.g. a site dedicated to boxing but does not contain other depictions of violence.

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In return for using the ICRA™ label (meta-tag) on a site you agree to these terms and conditions:

  1. You acknowledge the validity of the ICRA Marks and that ICRA™ has established significant rights and valuable good will therein. You agree not to impair the title, rights and interest of ICRA in the ICRA Marks, including the label (meta-tag), the acronym and full name of the organization and the ICRA logos. You will not make any claim to, apply to register, or register the label, any ICRA Mark or any confusingly similar marks. All use of the label and other ICRA Marks shall inure solely to the benefit of ICRA.
  2. When the registration questionnaire is submitted a database entry is created and ICRA™ will send a label (meta-tag) which must be placed as instructed.
  3. By submitting the registration and applying the label (meta-tag) as instructed you get a licence to use the label (meta-tag) for the content specified.
  4. If any of following conditions is not met, the licence is invalid and ICRA™ can remove the database entry.
    • You agree to comply with the instructions for the use of the label (meta-tag) given in the registration process.
    • All information submitted through the registration must be accurate, true and complete.
    • The label (meta-tag) must be present as instructed and correspond to the entry in the database.
    • The label (meta-tag) must at all times reflect accurately the content it describes.
    • The label (meta-tag) must only be changed through re-labelling and creating a new matching entry in the database.
  5. ICRA™ may perform automated and manual checks of the label (meta-tag) and content at any time.
  6. Without a valid licence the use of labels and ICRA™ marks must be discontinued and no confusingly similar mark or name can be used.
  7. If ICRA™ revokes a licence because of misrepresentation of content, notification will be sent to the e-mail address in the registration questionnaire. If the situation is not remedied two weeks after such notification ICRA reserves the right to take appropriate action including but not limited to, making the misrepresentation known through lists, web-postings and notifications to the press.
  8. You hereby indemnify and hold ICRA™ harmless from any claims, suits, losses or damages (including reasonable legal fees incurred by ICRA), arising as a result of breach of this agreement or any other action taken by you in connection with any services, labelled site, misrepresentation, or violation of the registration questionnaire.
  9. The use of the label (meta-tag) is entirely voluntary, and you enter into this agreement without any representation or warranty of any kind being made by ICRA™ hereunder. The occurrence and/or results of any review, evaluation, or other proceedings conducted by or for ICRA with respect to the label (meta-tag) for the site does not constitute any representation or warranty by or on behalf of ICRA, including any representation that the label (meta-tag) is appropriate for the site. Moreover, these occurrences and/or results shall not give rise to any liability or obligations on the part of ICRA, or any rights of reliance by or for you or any third party, nor otherwise be deemed or construed as being for the benefit of you or any third party. ICRA does not warrant or guarantee that the label will not infringe the trademark, service mark, trade name, copyright, or other intellectual property rights of any third party.
  10. Upon transfer of site responsibility to others, you will notify the successor that the use of the label (meta-tag) is subject to these terms and conditions, and that continued use of ICRA label (meta-tag) requires re-labelling. Unless so agreed, you will take steps to remove the label (meta-tag) and the database entry through notification to ICRA. The licence gives no right to sub-license any of the rights granted herein.
  11. All notices, claims, requests, and demands to ICRA shall be made in writing by registered or certified mail with reply postage prepaid to:
    Executive Director Internet Content Rating Association™ 22 Old Steine Brighton BN1 1EL

    United Kingdom

  12. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

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ICRA Privacy Policy

ICRA™ is committed to protecting the privacy of those who register and others who visit this site. Through the registration process certain information related to the registered site must be gathered if the labelling system is to work properly, including contact details for those responsible for the site. Although we may disclose information related to registered sites, we will not give out information directly linked to an individual such as name or e-mail.

ICRA™ Registration

During the course of registering a website users are required to enter a certain level of personal and site specific information needed to administer the registration. ICRA™ regards the data that it collects during the labelling process to fall into either of two categories: PRIVATE DATA and PUBLIC DATA.

PRIVATE DATA include personal information such as name, address, organisation, email address, and telephone number. PRIVATE DATA are collected solely for use by ICRA™ as part of its authentication procedure to protect the integrity of the labelling system. Such data will not be disclosed or sold to a third party without prior consent.

PUBLIC DATA are all non-private information, including among other things, the URL of the site or file being labelled and the label that results from the rating process. PUBLIC DATA may be disseminated freely or for a fee at the sole discretion of ICRA™, for example, for use by third party label bureaus.

The registration process is intended for webmasters or people who control websites. Registrants can opt out and have their details removed by forwarding a request to [email protected] stating their name, e-mail address and website URL. However, because of the above mentioned authentication procedure, a contact person will need to be registered in our database for the site label to be valid. Details of information held can be obtained by forwarding a written request with proof of identity to the following address:

Internet Content Rating Association™ 22 Old Steine Brighton BN1 1EL

United Kingdom

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