L'Association de classification du contenu de l'Internet::: Affiliés

L’ICRA collabore de diverses façons avec de nombreuses organisations du monde entier afin de promouvoir la protection des enfants contre les contenus potentiellement dangereux d’Internet et la liberté d’expression des fournisseurs de contenu. Beaucoup de membres affiliés intègrent l’étiquetage ICRA comme partie d’un plan plus vaste.

La mention d’une organisation affiliée dans cette page n’est pas synonyme d’approbation par ICRA.

Les Affiliés

EuroISPA was established to achieve several important purposes. First, to protect and promote the interests of Europe as a whole within the global Internet, securing for Europe a premier position in this key industry. Secondly, to help deliver the benefits of this new technology of liberation and empowerment to individuals, while at the same time meeting the legitimate concerns of parents and others responsible for the weaker members of society. Thirdly, to encourage the development of a free and open telecommunications market, something of great benefit to society as a whole but essential to the healthy development of the Internet. And finally, to promote the interests of our members and provide common services to them where these cannot be had elsewhere.
A Spanish company founded in 1997 with the prevailing mission to use the best software technology for the optimization of appropriate Internet usage in all areas, including companies, administration, education centres, and in the home market.

Optenet is working with ICRA and the National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos,” in Athens on the Sift project which is supported bu the European Union Internet Action Plan.

A leading provider of universal communication solutions including translation, interpretation, localization and design services in over 120 languages to all industries. Using our unique project management system, LinguatraK, our team of linguistically qualified project and account managers delivers consistently outstanding results on all projects.

K-International is the Localization Partner to ICRA.

Improve your results and revenue as a zanox-affiliate. Enable your online business to achieve more success: web-based and reported in real time.

As one of the leading affiliate networks in Europe, zanox helps merchants (advertisers) to acquire more customers and affiliates (publishers) to earn the most revenue. Both merchants and affiliates can maximize the performance of each partnership by a wide range of new advertising technologies. Join as a zanox merchant! Improve your results and reduce customer acquisition costs. Advertise and sell products and services through any website or e-mail. Join as a zanox affiliate! Improve your revenue from your audience: Publish and promote products or services on your website or in your e-mail.

Zanox uses and recommends ICRA labels to classify the content of affiliate sites and guarantees a high quality Affiliate network.

Apply to join – it takes just five minutes. Please click here.

ADL fights anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry in the USA and elsewhere, combats international terrorism, probes the roots of hatred, advocates before the US Congress, comes to the aid of victims of bigotry, develops educational programmes, and serves as a public resource for government, media, law enforcement and the public, all toward the goals of countering and reducing hatred. With its Headquarters in New York City, ADL has a network of Regional and Satellite Offices throughout America, and in Jerusalem, Vienna and Moscow.

ADL was the first independent organization to create a template for use with ICRAfilter and has released its own version of the software, known as HateFilter 2.0. Click here for details.