Category Archives: Chưa phân loại

ICRA™ | Family Online Safety Institute

While all current labels will continue to work with Internet content filters, the ICRA™ label generator, ICRA™ tools and Webmaster support will no longer be available. If you are writing with questions about difficulties with Content Advisor, please refer to Microsoft support, as Content Advisor is part of their Internet Explorer software. If you have […]

The Family Online Safety Institute: Wir engagieren uns für ein sichereres Internet

Falls Sie den Kennzeichnungsvorgang bereits einmal durchlaufen haben, können Sie diese Einleitung überspringen und sich direkt zur Kennzeichnungserzeugung begeben. Um eine Website zu kennzeichnen, müssen Sie zwei Dinge tun: Erstellen Sie eine oder mehrere Kennzeichnungen in einer speziellen Datei und laden Sie diese auf Ihre Website hoch. Verknüpfen Sie Ihre Inhalte mit dieser Datei. Wir […]

The Family Online Safety Institute: Scelta, non censura

All’interno di una file labels, l’etichetta ICRA è codificata in un blocco simile a questo: No nudi, no sesso, no violenza, no linguaggio potenzialmente offensivo, no contenuti generati dall’utente, no altre attività potenzialmente offensive 1 1 1 1 1 1 Questo mostra un’etichetta dichiarante “nessuna delle precedenti” in tutte le sezioni del questionario ICRA. Per […]

The Family Online Safety Institute: Protecting your online future

ICRA empowers parents to make choices about what digital content their children can and cannot see. Choice not censorship is the phrase that best sums up our philosophy. Different families will have different views about what is and is not appropriate for children of different ages. This is true within a single country but is […]

The Family Online Safety Institute: Protecting your online future

Since the release of Internet Explorer 3.0 in 1996, Microsoft has included support for self-rating systems in its browser. It was designed to work primarily with the old RSACi rating system that was replaced by ICRA in 2000. Although ICRA owns the intellectual property in the RSACi system that is still included in WIndows, Content […]

La navigazione dei genitori (come sospendere il filtraggio)

Print this page Puoi sospendere tutto il filtraggio in qualsiasi momento. Fai clic con il tasto destro del mouse sull’icona ICRAplus in basso a destra sullo schermo e seleziona “sospendi”. Ti sarà chiesta la password di amministratore. Ricordati di riattivarlo quando hai finito e di svuotare la cache dopo aver navigato, altrimenti i tuoi figli […]

The Family Online Safety Institute

La Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA, Association de classification du contenu d’Internet) est une organisation internationale à but non lucratif réunissant les leaders d’Internet et visant à développer un Internet plus sr. Depuis longtemps, l’ICRA pense que l’autoréglementation permettrait d’atteindre un meilleur équilibre entre la libre circulation des contenus numériques et la protection des enfants […]