Category Archives: Chưa phân loại

Internet Content Rating Association::: Case study: Tiscali

Tiscali joined ICRA in March 2002, recognising that the desire to filter content is an issue of growing importance among their users across Europe. Indeed, many potential family users are reluctant to go online for fear of exposing members of their household to unsuitable content. Media that once talked about the internet Gold Rush now […]

Internet Content Rating Association::: Case Study: The Office of the e-Envoy

At the London launch of ICRAfilter in March 2002, the then UK Home Office Minister, Beverley Hughes MP, announced that the existing recommendation that sites on the domain should be PICS labelled would henceforth be a requirement. This policy has been incorporated into the Office of the e-Envoy’s Guidelines Guidelines for UK Government websites […]

Internet Content Rating Association::: Hotlines Links

ICRA does not deal with illegal material on the internet. This is done by specialist agencies that usually work closely with national police forces and Internet Service Providers to locate and remove such material, and, where possible, to prosecute the offender(s). The international nature of the internet makes enforcement of “the law” extremely difficult. There […]

ICRA: Internet Content Rating Association::: Choice not censorship

On 1st June 2004, the UK Office of Communications (Ofcom) published a consultation on its strategy and priorities for the promotion of media literacy. ICRA’s response is given below. The Internet Content Rating Association is an international, non-profit organisation whose mission is to protect children from potentially harmful material while protecting free speech on the […]

L'Association de classification du contenu de l'Internet::: Template Creation

Désolé, mais cette page n’est disponible qu’en Anglais Templates can be as simple or as complex as you wish. It is perfectly possible, for example, to make a simple template that allows access to a list of sites and forbids access to any other. On the other hand, using a combination of filtering rules, block […]