Washington, DC, March 6, 2002 – Leading companies in the adult entertainment industry ranging from Larry Flynt Productions and MaxCash to YNOTMasters and Epoch are taking a proactive and aggressive stand to protect children from inappropriate or harmful Internet content, according to the Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA). ICRA is a global, non-profit organization of […]
Category Archives: Chưa phân loại
Customisation and Personalisation through RDF At a meeting in Luxembourg on 4th February 2003, a project with the following aims was launched: To develop a new RDF application that: supports multiple content classification vocabularies; can be applied to multiple media types such as text, audiovisual materials and multimedia presentations; works with multiple device types such […]
Utilisez le formulaire ci-dessous pour produire des étiquettes d’évaluation ICRA et, au besoin, d’autres métadonnées pour votre site Web. Presque toutes les données peuvent être enregistrées dans votre ordinateur dans un fichier-témoin afin de vous éviter d’entrer toutes les informations chaque fois que vous utilisez ce formulaire. Le formulaire comprend les sections suivantes: Informations générales […]
Lo sentimos pero esta página solamente está disponible en inglés ICRA’s Associate Membership exists to allow smaller companies and individuals to support ICRA’s twin aims of: protecting children from potentially harmful material; and, protecting free speech on the internet. ICRA is proud to count the following companies and individuals as Associate Members. They have all […]
Lo sentimos pero esta página solamente está disponible en inglés Tiscali joined ICRA in March 2002, recognising that the desire to filter content is an issue of growing importance among their users across Europe. Indeed, many potential family users are reluctant to go online for fear of exposing members of their household to unsuitable content. […]
Lo sentimos pero esta página solamente está disponible en inglés At the London launch of ICRAfilter in March 2002, the then UK Home Office Minister, Beverley Hughes MP, announced that the existing recommendation that sites on the .gov.uk domain should be PICS labelled would henceforth be a requirement. This policy has been incorporated into the […]
對不起,這一頁只能以英文顯示。 Please fill in the form below, after which you will be directed to a choice of payment methods. Your associate membership of ICRA will not commence until we have received and processed your fee.
成為附屬會員可以享有下列各項利益: 有權在您在線或非在線的材料上使用任何一個特別設計的標誌。 列入互聯網內容標籤協會的高瀏覽量網頁,包括: 您公司的標誌* 一段100字內並能夠是任何語言,關於您的公司或您自己的簡介。* 一個超結連連接到您自己的網頁。** 有權出席ICRA每年九月的年終會議。雖然只有正式會員有投票權利,但您將有機會跟一些大型網絡公司代表見面。 有權出席跟年終會議一同舉行的附屬會員會議。 在24小時或更短的時間內得到優先的技術支援。 優先得到ICRA資訊。 另一方面,我們要求您根據以下行動去推廣自我標籤的訊息: 確保您的網頁全面地貼上ICRA標籤。 將ICRA標籤貼在任何您設計或管理的網頁。 另外,當您的附屬會員的資格終止,就要停止使用所有ICRA附屬會員標誌。 會費 成為附屬會員的年費是$100元 (美金)、€100 (歐元)或70英磅 (GBP)。各種的付款方法皆可,包括直接扣數、轉賬、信用卡(透過PAY PAL)或支票。 登記成為成員! 確定回條 * ICRA保留不顯示任何可能不當的標籤或描述簡介的權利。 ** 超結連的網址必須全面地、準確地貼上標簽。 ICRA 香港
Spiacenti, questa pagina è disponibile solo in inglese Partners The Protecting Kids with Digimarc™ program is made possible through the combined efforts and technologies of the Internet Content Rating Association, Net Nanny, RuleSpace and Digimarc. The Internet Content Rating Association is an international, independent non-profit organization that empowers the public, especially parents, to make informed […]
Spiacenti, questa pagina è disponibile solo in inglese How To Watermark Your Images Sign up for a free Protecting Kids with Digimarc™ watermarking subscription. When you do, you will immediately receive your unique Digimarc ID that can be used with many popular image editing tools to embed an Adult Content attribute in your watermarked images. […]