Danh mục: Chưa phân loại

  • Labelled with ICRA

    Exposed breasts Bare buttocks Visible genitals Passionate kissing Obscured or implied sexual acts Visible sexual touching Explicit sexual language Erections/explicit sexual acts Erotica No violence Abusive or vulgar terms Mild expletives Gambling No user-generated content The label declares that it was issued on 2007-11-7 Labels file is in ICRAchecked database The Internet Content Rating Association…

  • Conseils suivre pour surfer en toute scurit

    L’Internet est un moyen génial de bavarder avec des gens du monde entier et de se faire de nouveaux amis, de se renseigner sur tous les sujets possibles et imaginables et de s’éclater. Cependant, il faut faire attention – il se peut que ta sécurité soit menacée si tu ne prends pas quelques précautions très…

  • Labelled with ICRA

    No nudity No sexual material No violence No potentially offensive language No potentially harmful activities No user-generated content This material appears in an educational context The label declares that it was issued on 2005-10-3 Labels file is in ICRAchecked database The Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA) is an international, non-profit organization of internet leaders working…

  • Trouver de nouveaux filtres

    Imprimez cette page Ce lien affiche une page du site Web de l’ICRA, à partir de laquelle vous pouvez télécharger des filtres supplémentaires et les installer dans votre copie d’ICRAplus. Interdire/Autoriser les types de contenus Table des matières

  • Register site with ICRAchecked

    Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Register & receive ID Number by e-mail Review Your Data Pay Admin Fee Confirm with ID number ICRA processes your registration Launch offer – only $35 for a year! Please fill in the form below to begin the ICRAchecked process. When the form is submitted…

  • Labelled with ICRA

    No nudity No sexual material No violence No potentially offensive language No potentially harmful activities No user-generated content This material appears in an educational context The label declares that it was issued on 2005-10-3 Labels file is in ICRAchecked database The Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA) is an international, non-profit organization of internet leaders working…

  • The Family Online Internet Safety Contract

    You can print this page directly or download it in these more easily-printed formats: For A4 paper PDF format (32Kb) Word 2000 format (54Kb) For US letter size paper PDF format (32Kb) Word 2000 format (54Kb) The Family Online Internet Safety Contract* An agreement between Parent Contract I know that the Internet can be a…

  • ICRA – aus der Webmaster-Sicht

    Bei der ICRA geht es um Entscheidungsfreiheit statt Zensur. Wir laden Sie als Webinhaltsersteller ein, Ihre Online-Inhalte auf eine Weise zu beschreiben bzw. zu kennzeichnen, die von Computern verarbeitet werden kann. Das System ist auf größtmögliche Objektivität ausgelegt: Die ICRA selbst nimmt keinerlei wertmäßige Beurteilung von Inhalten vor. Benutzer, in der Regel Eltern junger Kinder,…

  • ICRA label generator

    Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Create a label for all or most of your site Create additional labels if required Upload your label(s) to the web Link your content to your label(s) First published in 2000, the original ICRA descriptors were determined through a process of international consultation to establish a content…

  • Phil Archer

    Chief Technical Officer Family Online Safety Institute Science and technology have always figured prominently in Phil’s formal education and private passions. Nevertheless it was a varied career path which lead to him joining ICRA (now FOSI) in April 2000. For 7 years Phil worked in local radio in different parts of Britain as a commercial…