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  • 附屬成員

    互聯網內容標籤協會(ICRA)附屬會員是讓小型公司或個人參與支持ICRA的兩大宗旨: 保護兒童免受網上可能有害的物品影響;和, 保障網上的言論自由。 ICRA以大的公司或個人附屬會員為榮,因為他們經已承諾在他們所創設和管理的網頁執行標籤化,並支持ICRA的工作。 除了在此頁列出名字外,成為附屬會員還有其他的益處,如要更多資料,請按此。 立即加入 All Associate Member sites are labelled and you may like to use the relevant “內容標籤” link provided for each entry to check the label before proceeding to an Associate Member’s website. This is a live check on the relevant website’s ICRA label (uses JavaScript). Re-set page configuration This site’s…

  • 清单

    ICRAplus支援百搭符号(*)。百搭符号一词代表星号(*)可以用来代替任何一个或一组字母。 很多网址都以http://为开端,虽然有时你会见到https://,尤其是在接纳信用咭的网站上。间中你也可能见到ftp://或其他组合。这些称为方案(scheme)-你不需要在网址里包含它。如果你没有包含方案,过滤器只会在网址的开端输入*://。这表示无论是什么方案,过滤器都会适当地进行封锁或允许。 例如,如果你输入www.badsite.com并把它加进你的封锁清单内,过滤器就会在清单内输入*://www.badsite.com/*(我们在”进一步了解百搭卡”部份会解释末端的*)。这表示无论网站是以http://、https://或其他组合作为开端,网站都会被封锁。这很可能是你想做到的。 如果你肯定只想封锁或允许,譬如https://www.website.com,你可以在网址里包含方案-这视乎你的决定。 你所输入的网址,例如www.icra.org,只是故事的一部份。每个网址都有一个用数字代表的等值符,称为网际网络位址。此外,很多网站都有几个化名。就被加到封锁清单的网站来说,过滤器尝试搜寻它们的化名以及网际网络位址,并把它们全部加进你的清单。这大大增加系统的安全性,但你可以不选”为新增项目进行DNS搜寻”项,就可停止此程序。 由于过滤器需要追踪你输入的网站的其他网址,你为封锁清单加入项目时,一定要在线。 过滤器不会为包含百搭符号的网址搜寻其他网址(因为完全相同的网址并不存在)。

  • Introduction to labelling

    If you have been through the labelling process before you can skip straight to the label generator. In order to label a website you need to do two things: Create one or more labels in a special file and upload it to your webspace. Link your content to that file. We’ll guide you through every…

  • ICRA metadata checker

    Sven Latham of Blogwise has created a tool that will successfully locate and parse ICRA labels expressed in RDF according to the two candidate mechanisms discussed at the meeting on 9th July. This is important for several reasons: It proves that the general approach is workable Sven used an off-the-shelf RDF parser (RAP), thus showing…

  • ICRA Associate Members

    ICRA’s Associate Membership exists to allow smaller companies and individuals to support ICRA’s twin aims of: protecting children from potentially harmful material; and, protecting free speech on the internet. ICRA is proud to count many companies and individuals as Associate Members. They have all made a commitment to label websites they create and maintain, and…

  • ICRA Associate Members

    ICRA’s Associate Membership exists to allow smaller companies and individuals to support ICRA’s twin aims of: protecting children from potentially harmful material; and, protecting free speech on the internet. ICRA is proud to count many companies and individuals as Associate Members. They have all made a commitment to label websites they create and maintain, and…

  • ICRA Associate Members

    ICRA’s Associate Membership exists to allow smaller companies and individuals to support ICRA’s twin aims of: protecting children from potentially harmful material; and, protecting free speech on the internet. ICRA is proud to count many companies and individuals as Associate Members. They have all made a commitment to label websites they create and maintain, and…

  • ICRA Associate Members

    ICRA’s Associate Membership exists to allow smaller companies and individuals to support ICRA’s twin aims of: protecting children from potentially harmful material; and, protecting free speech on the internet. ICRA is proud to count many companies and individuals as Associate Members. They have all made a commitment to label websites they create and maintain, and…

  • ICRA labelling walk through for Windows

    Windows version This walk through assumes that your web site is essentially the first thing you’ve used your computer for. For many users, the level of detail here may be rather more than you need. For others, hopefully it will help to build up your confidence! These are the steps we’re going to take: The…

  • Exemplar Portal Inc

    This page includes the link tag: Although the URL of this page does not include the word “ads” or “banners”, the page should be associated with the specific “advert” label, overriding the usual rules. See the RDF Use cases descriptions