Family Online Safety Institute Associate Members

FOSI’s Associate Membership exists to allow smaller companies and individuals to support FOSI’s twin aims of:

  • protecting children from potentially harmful material; and,
  • protecting free speech on the internet.

FOSI is proud to count many companies and individuals as Associate Members. They have all made a commitment to label websites they create and maintain, and to support FOSI’s work.

As well as a listing on this site there are other benefits of Associate Membership status.

All descriptions of FOSI’s Associate Members’ businesses are presented in a manner intended not to cause any offence. However, Associate Members operate a wide variety of sites and users may wish not to see details, and be offered links to, some of these. If you check any of the ICRA descriptors below, Associate Members whose sites offer that kind of content will not be shown on the following pages. Your selections will be stored in a cookie so that future visits will be similarly personalized.