Overview of the RDF Vocabularies for Labelling

The Content Labelling Vocabulary

The Content Labelling Vocabulary (namespace http://www.icra.org/labellingv01/rdfs/#) provides a simple vocabulary for the description of a labelling scheme. A labelling scheme consists of one or more categories which group together related content descriptors and zero or more modifiers which provide further context for a label. Together, these are referred to in this document as the components of a labelling scheme.

In terms of the ICRA vocabulary, “Violence” is a category, “Deliberate injury to human beings” is a descriptor, and “Material appears in a sports context” is a modifier.

The Content Labelling Vocabulary defines a small set of classes and properties that are the basis for defining labelling schemes. A labelling scheme such as the ICRA scheme is created by defining instances of these classes and using the properties to define the relationships between those instances.

Full URI. http://www.icra.org/labellingv01/rdfs/#contentLabel

Description.  An instance of this class is a single descriptive label for content which may be applied to one or more web resources.

Properties. The following properties may be specified for a contentLabel instance:

  • hasModifier specifies the modifiers for the content label.

  • Any subproperty of the the descriptor property.

Full URI. http://www.icra.org/labellingv01/rdfs/#category

Description.  A category is a grouping of related content descriptors. In ICRA, these groupings are thematic, but this is not a constraint on category instances in general.


  • hasDescriptor specifies the descriptors which make up this category.

Full URI. http://www.icra.org/labellingv01/rdfs/#descriptor

Description.  A descriptor defines a single form of content which may or may not be present in a resource. When labelling web resources, a descriptor is used as a property of the content label that it applies to. This means that a descriptor has a range of allowed values. The Content Labelling Vocabulary does not restrict the allowed range of values.

Full URI. http://www.icra.org/labellingv01/rdfs/#hasDescriptor

Description.  This property connects a category to the descriptors that make up that category. It can be used by applications to quickly list what all the possible descriptors for a category are.

Full URI. http://www.icra.org/labellingv01/rdfs/#modifier

Description.  A modifier provides context for a content label as a whole. Each content labelling scheme may define its own set of modifiers.

Full URI. http://www.icra.org/labellingv01/rdfs/#hasModifier

Description.  This property connects an instance of the modifier class to the contentLabel that it modifies.

Full URI. http://www.icra.org/labellingv01/rdfs/#applicationRule

Description.  An applicationRule defines a processing rule that should be used to determine which URL(s) a content label applies to. Such rules are required in situations where the web resources do not carry their own content labels. This class is used as a base class for a number of more specific types of rule. New labelling systems may choose to introduce new types of rules by subclassing from applicationRule. An applicationRule may contain one or more oneOf, allOf and not properties. If more than one such property is present, the applicationRule must be processed as the disjunction of the results of processing each property.


  • oneOf adds a logical OR of the applicationRules that are the object of the property to the applicationRule that is the subject of the property.

  • allOf adds a logical AND of the applicationRules that are the object of the property to the applicationRule that is the subject of the property.

  • not adds a logical NOT of the applicationRule that is the object of the property to the applicationRule that is the subject of the property.

Full URI. http://www.icra.org/labellingv01/rdfs/#oneOf

Description.  A property of a applicationRule that indicates that the rule applies when any one of the applicationRules that are the object of this property apply. This produces a conjunction of the object applicationRules.

Full URI. http://www.icra.org/labellingv01/rdfs/#allOf

Description.  A property of a applicationRule that indicates that the rule applies only if all of the applicationRules that are the object of this statement apply. This produces a disjunction of the object applicationRules.

Full URI. http://www.icra.org/labellingv01/rdfs/#not

Description.  A property of a applicationRule that indicates that the rule DOES NOT apply if the applicationRule that is the object of this statement applies.

Full URI. http://www.icra.org/labellingv01/rdfs/#beginsWith

Description.  A subclass of applicationRule which matches against the start of a web resource’s URI.


  • value the substring to match at the start of the resource URI.

Full URI. http://www.icra.org/labellingv01/rdfs/#endsWith

Description.  A subclass of applicationRule which matches against the end of a web resource’s URI.


  • value the substring to match at the end of the resource URI.

Full URI. http://www.icra.org/labellingv01/rdfs/#contains

Description.  A subclass of applicationRule which matches against a substring of a web resource’s URI.


  • value the substring to match anywhere withing the resource URI.

Full URI. http://www.icra.org/labellingv01/rdfs/#matches

Description.  A subclass of applicationRule which matches against a web resource’s URL using a Perl-style regular expression.


  • value the regular expression to match against the resource URI.

Full URI. http://www.icra.org/labellingv01/rdfs/#value

Description.  This is a property of the beginsWith, endsWith, contains, and matches application rules. It contains the substring or regular expression string that is used by the rule.

Full URI. http://www.icra.org/labellingv01/rdfs/#hasContentLabel

Description.  This is a property that links an applicationRule to the contentLabel that labels resources that match the rule.