Mary Lou Kenny

Director, North America
Internet Content Rating Association

Mary Lou is a successful executive in business operations and management who has specialized in telecommunications & technology. She has over 25 years’ experience working on telecommunications & technology issues confronting both the state and federal governments of the United States. For the past sixteen years Mary Lou worked at National Public Radio (NPR) to grow its membership, managing marketing and program communications efforts to enhance and extend the NPR brand. She was the architect and director of a strategic lobbying operation that increased federal support for NPR and its over 600 member stations. While there, Mary Lou staffed the Presidentially appointed U.S. Advisory Council on the National Information Infrastructure, co-chaired by the President of NPR. This 35 member Board of CEOs from American businesses was created to help set the direction of national policy on telecommunications and technology. Mary Lou co-managed the writing and production of two widely distributed reports: Kickstart Initiative: Connecting America’s Communities to the Information Superhighway, and A Nation of Opportunity: Realizing the Promise of the Information Highway.

Before joining NPR, Mary Lou worked for 10 years in the U.S. Senate. She spent seven years on the personal staff of Senator Ernest F. Hollings and three on the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee’s Subcommittee on Communications. After leaving Capitol Hill she worked in Congressional Relations at the Department of Labor during the Carter Administration.

Mary Lou is a native of South Carolina and a graduate of the University of South Carolina. She is married, has three stepchildren and two grandchildren.

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