The Family Online Safety Institute: Protecting your online future

If you have already been to the label generator and obtained and uploaded your ICRA label to your site (or have let us do it for you), you will now need to link your site content to your label. Alternatively, you can begin here and get your ICRA label and Link tag in the process.

There are many ways of adding the Link tag and accompanying PICS tag using Microsoft FrontPage.

If you are building a new website, it’s well worth creating a page template. This helps you to create a consistent look and feel across your site – and saves you creating a lot of basic features from scratch every time you add a new page.

If you include your Link and PICS tag in your template, all your pages will be labelled without you having to do this consciously. Follow the manual method below to add the tags once, make them part of your template and the job’s done.

If necessary, consult the FrontPage help system for guidance on creating templates.

If you are using FrontPage 2003 (or later) you can use a special add-in that will paste the tags into all your pages.

As with many new Microsoft features, the ICRA add-in for FrontPage uses the .NET framework. If you do not have this installed, you’ll need to download it from the Windows Update site (detailed instructions are provided there). Look for an entry in the list of options like the one shown.

If you do not see an option like this on the Windows Update site it means you’ve already got it!

Step 1 – download the ICRA add-in

To download the ICRA add-in, please visit Microsoft’s FrontPage Add-in Centre. Full instructions for installation are provided by Microsoft.

Step 2 – use

For demonstration purposes, we’ve simply used one of the template websites included in FrontPage. Although your website will, of course, be different, the principles are the same.

Select the ICRA Label option from the Insert menu.

This will bring up the dialogue box shown below.

As the instructions on the dialogue box indicate (if you have not already been through the process), you should now visit the label generator on this (ICRA) website and get your label in the usual way. Follow the instructions to either add your label to your site or to let us do it for you. At the end of the process, you will receive a Link and PICS tag. Copy the tags to the clipboard then return to FrontPage.

(If you already have your Link and PICS tags, just copy them to your clipboard.)

Now click the Paste ICRA label button and the tags will appear in the box, similar to that shown below.

Step 3 – the really useful bit!

The tags should go on every page of your web site. So select “All pages in this site” and click OK.

That’s it! If you want to check, just take a look at the code for any of your labelled pages and you’ll see the Link and PICS tags in the section as shown below.

Manually adding the tags isn’t as long a job as it sounds…

We’ll take you through the process of adding the ICRA Link and PICS tags step by step and illustrate this with screen shots taken from FrontPage 2003. Other versions may differ, but the principles remain the same.

You will have already uploaded your ICRA label to your site (or used the option of letting us upload it for you). You now need to link your site’s content to that label with a Link tag, which you will have been given as the last part of the labelling process. This Link tag should be included on every page of your site, as should the accompanying PICS tag.

For each page in your site, open it in FrontPage and select the split view as shown in the screen shots below. If you’ve never looked at the code before, don’t worry, you don’t need to understand any of it!

We’ve just used one of the website templates here to show you how to proceed. Your own website will look a little different of course, but the code will have a head section – that is, lines of code between and tags.

Simply copy and paste your tags into the head section of each page as shown below. The tags must go on every page of your site.

If you want to now add an ICRA logo or the words “Labelled with ICRA” to your site, please do so now using the same techniques you would for any other image or hyperlink.

Next steps