Internet Content Rating Association

PLEASE NOTE: For technical support, requests for help etc. please e-mail [email protected] or visit the On-line Support web pages.

We are committed to a wide-reaching, international consultation exercise to determine the what changes are needed to the existing RSACi system and how best to meet the cultural needs at an international level. This is being achieved through an Advisory Board comprising of a panel of experts from around the world.

A number of important initiatives have already begun, involving such organisations as INCORE and The Bertelsmann Foundation.

As part of this process we would welcome your feedback on the current RSACi system and any thoughts or views you may have on the future of self rating on the Internet. Please use the e-mail address below or write to us at:

Internet Content Rating Association 22 Old Steine Brighton Sussex, BN1 1EL


Fax: +44 (0)1273 648331

E-mail:[email protected]

We very much look forward to your comments, suggestions and ideas for