La Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA siglas en inglés – Asociación de Clasificación de Contenidos de Internet) es una organización internacional independiente que otorga poderes al público, especialmente a los padres, para realizar decisiones bien fundadas en cuanto a medios electrónicos gracias al etiquetado abierto y objetivo del contenidos. El doble objetivo de ICRA es: […]
Category Archives: Blog
The Internet Content Rating Association is an international, independent organization that empowers the public, especially parents, to make informed decisions about electronic media by means of the open and objective labelling of content. ICRA’s dual aims are to: protect children from potentially harmful material; and, to protect free speech on the internet. There are two […]
ICRA auf einen Blick Die Filterkategorien auf einen Blick So funktioniert es – der PICS Standard Wieso eigentlich Sites kennzeichnen? ICRA Vorstandmitglieder ICRA Mitarbeiter ICRA Beratendes Gremium Die Internet Content Rating Association ist eine internationale, unabhängige Organisation, die mittels einer öffentlichen und objektiven Inhalts-Kennzeichnung die Öffentlichkeit und insbesondere Eltern […]
All ICRA labelled sites are regularly monitored to ensure that they are a) still accessible on the internet and b) contain the PICS label issued. This is an essential part of the process to ensure that the database is maintained to a high standard. Let’s just get some terminology straight here: The PICS label is […]
La Internet Content Rating Association es una organización independiente sin fines de lucro con oficinas en los EE.UU. y en Europa. El objetivo de ICRA es proteger a los niños contra material potencialmente pernicioso a la vez que protege el derecho a la libertad de expresión de los proveedores de contenido. ICRA es propietaria y […]
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Computer Science Program Director Division of Undergraduate Education National Science Foundation C. Dianne Martin is a Professor in the Computer Science Department at the George Washington University. She received a B.A. in economics and math education from Western Maryland College, an M.S. in computer science from the University of Maryland, and an Ed.D. in teacher […]
Tecnology Director, Internet Content Rating Association Ken started his career in fisheries research working for the UK Government where he spent six and a half years. In more recent times Ken has enjoyed success as Head of Software Development for the a world leading multi-player gaming platform where he successfully introduced Quake servers to the […]
Step 5 ‘Allow users to see unrated sites’ – Unchecking this box will block any and all sites that have not rated with RSACi. This can be very helpful given the nature of the web and how quickly new sites are being set up every day. Most users choose to check this box. Unchecking this […]
Further Help Whilst ICRA is not able formally to maintain a support function the team are willing to offer help wherever practically possible. E-mails can be sent via the link below to the team in the UK and will be answered as soon as possible (typically within a day or two, always within 5 days). […]