Introduction to labelling

If you have been through the labelling process before you can skip straight to the label generator.


In order to label a website you need to do two things:

  1. Create one or more labels in a special file and upload it to your website.
  2. Link your content to that file.

We’ll guide you through every step of the way to make it easy, however, if you would like help, we offer a complete service called Label Assist in which we do almost everything for you and automatically include your site in the ICRAchecked database.

The system is very flexible. At one end of the scale you can create a single label to describe any number of websites. On the other hand you may wish to describe individual items (pages, images, movies etc.) with their own unique label.

Terms and conditions

Before generating an ICRA label you should be aware of the Terms and Conditions under which labels are issued.


ICRA is committed to protecting the privacy of those who carry our labels and others who visit this site. Through the labelling process, a limited amount of information is requested for authentication purposes including contact details. This information is never disclosed to any third party. Web addresses and the labels themselves are, however, in the public domain. Please see the full Privacy Policy for details.

Next steps

The labelling process is intended for content providers.

  • For details of how the ICRA system empowers you to protection children online, please see the parents page.
  • To label a site that you control please continue to the label generator.