

This section is for all webmasters. Whether you’re building a personal website or building a high-end commercial web property, this is the starting point for all advice on labelling content.

Note: In July 2005 ICRA labelling moved to a new platform to take advantage of broader developments on the internet and with other digital media. If you are a webmaster with a label obtained before July 2005 (i.e. a PICS label) visiting this section for help with labelling, please go to the label generator and obtain a new (RDF) label. Your new label will include a PICS tag based on the updated vocabulary.

This section will help you place and link your new label.

1.1How do I label my site?
1.2How do I link my site’s content to my label?
1.3Do I really have to add the Link tag into every page?
1.4How do I label different sections and individual pages?
1.5How do I label a site that uses frames?
1.6What if my site can be reached via other addresses?
1.7How can I label multiple sites with the same label?
1.8How do I test my label?
1.9I’ve uploaded my label to my site, but I’m still getting a red light.
1.10How do I “decode” an ICRA label?
1.11Where can I find the ICRA logos for use on my website?
1.12What is the underlying technology behind the ICRA system?
1.13What is the structure of a file containing ICRA labels?
1.14What are the processing rules for ICRA labels used by filters?
1.15Should I delete my old PICS label?
1.16I’ve labelled my site but it’s now inaccessible. Why?
1.17I’ve uploaded the labels file but I can’t see it in my browser
1.18My ISP will not let me upload the labels.rdf file
1.19How can I label content written in WML or older versions of HTML?
1.20Can I use a relative URL in my link tag?

Professional webmasters and developers should refer to ICRA’s formal system specification.


This section is for users of ICRA’s own free filter, ICRAplus, along with its optional modules.

Please note that the answers to most questions are available in the Help file that comes with the filter and that can also be read on this website. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the Help file before setting up ICRAplus.

2.1I have downloaded the ICRAplus filter. How do I change its settings?
2.2After installing and configuring ICRAplus, nothing seems to have changed.
2.3Some sites that I have put in my Block list are not being blocked. Why?
2.4I have installed some of the optional modules along with ICRAplus. How do I use these?
2.5Can I set up the filter with different rules for different members of my family?
2.6I have set up different profiles, but the filter sometimes asks me for my password and username. Why?
2.7I can’t find where to block all unlabelled sites, as I can in Content Advisor.
2.8I have a previous version of the filter and wish to update to the latest release. How do I do this?
2.9How do I uninstall the filter and/or its modules?
2.10The filter is ignoring my settings in Content Advisor.
2.11I have forgotten my Administrator password. What can I do?
2.12Can I use ICRAplus on operating systems other than Windows, such as a Mac?
2.13What are the current known problems and bugs with ICRAplus?

Internet Explorer’s Content Advisor

In July 2005 ICRA changed from using a labelling system based on the PICS platform to one based on a system known as RDF. However, many sites are still labelled using the older PICS labels, and since April 2006 ICRA has included a simplified PICS version of the current vocabulary along with its RDF labels. Microsoft includes support for PICS labels in Content Advisor, the filter built into its browser since 1996. Content Advisor can therefore be used with the ICRA system to offer a degree of parental control.

3.1What is the relationship between ICRA and Content Advisor?
3.2How do I use Content Advisor with ICRA?
3.3How do I remove Content Advisor?
3.4I have forgotten my Content Advisor password. What can I do?
3.5How do I change my Content Advisor password?
3.6How do I disable Content Advisor filtering in my browser?

ICRA and its work

4.1What is ICRA?
4.2I’ve just found an offensive site; how come it’s not labelled?