I’ve uploaded my label to my site, but I’m still getting a red light

For the filter (and the tester) to be able to find the label, you need to link your site content to the label. The last stage in the label generator process gave you a link tag, which will look something like (but not exactly the same as) this:

<link rel=”meta” href=”http://www.example.org/labels.rdf” type=”application/rdf+xml” title=”ICRA labels” />

This Link tag must go in the head section of every page on your site.

Conversely, if you have added the Link tag to your pages but have forgotten to upload the ICRA label to your site, then the same will happen. For a site to be labelled, you must do both. During the labelling process you were given the opportunity to have ICRA upload the label for you. If you wish to take advantage of this, please return to the ICRA label generator and go though the process again to obtain your label, then in Step 3 fill in the information necessary for us to upload your label for you.