Internet Content Rating Association

Welcome to the Internet Content Rating Association website, home of the RSACi rating and filtering system. Thank you for your interest. Please find below detailed information about how to use the RSACi filtering system within both Microsoft’s and Netscape’s browsers, what the different levels represent, background information about ICRA and where to go for our latest news and product development.

ICRA is a unique organisation. Our dual aims are to protect children from potentially harmful material while also protecting free speech on the Internet. We are an independent charity with offices in the USA and Europe. We are backed by major hi-tech companies and foundations including AOL, BT, Cable & Wireless, IBM, Microsoft and the Bertelsmann Foundation. We have also just secured funding from the European Commission to make the system more internationally acceptable and to translate it into many of the major languages of the world.

Please take a moment to explore the full range of our system, our aims and our plans for the future. If you have any particular issue, comment or question you would like to raise, please don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected]

With best wishes

Stephen Balkam Executive Director

Internet Content Rating Association

Useful Information

To learn how to use the RSACi filtering system within Microsoft’s Internet Explorer and Netscape’s Communicator browsers, please click here.

If you are a webmaster and would like to rate your site, please follow this link.

For a full list of our Board of Directors, our international Advisory Board and the staff list, look here.

For our latest news, press releases and news clippings, click here.

And for a full explanation of how to become a member, our mission statement, principles and business plan, please go to the Membership section.

Setting The Levels

Please have a look at the table below. It gives you, at a glance, the four categories of the RSACi system with the five levels and their descriptors. It is these levels that parents and other interested individuals will set at their browser or blocking device:

  Violence Rating Descriptor Nudity Rating Descriptor Sex Rating Descriptor Language Rating Descriptor
Level 4 Rape or wanton, gratuitous violence Frontal nudity (qualifying as provocative display) Explicit sexual acts or sex crimes Crude, vulgar language or extreme hate speech
Level 3 Aggressive violence or death to humans Frontal nudity Non-explicit sexual acts Strong language or hate speech
Level 2 Destruction of realistic objects Partial nudity Clothed sexual touching Moderate expletives or profanity
Level 1 Injury to human being Revealing attire Passionate kissing Mild expletives
Level 0 None of the above or sports related None of the above None of the above or innocent kissing; romance None of the above

© Internet Content Rating Association 2000