Privacy Policy ::: Internet Content Rating Association

ICRA is committed to protecting the privacy of those who register and others who visit this site. Through the registration process certain information related to the registered site must be gathered if the labelling system is to work properly, including contact details for those responsible for the site. Although we may disclose information related to registered sites, we will not give out information directly linked to an individual such as name or e-mail.

RSACi Registration

During the course of registering a website users are required to enter a certain level of personal and site specific information needed to administer the RSACi registration. ICRA regards the data that it collects during the rating process to fall into either of two categories: PRIVATE DATA and PUBLIC DATA.

PRIVATE DATA include personal information such as name, address, organisation, email address, and telephone number. PRIVATE DATA are collected solely for use by ICRA as part of its authentication procedure to protect the integrity of the RSACi rating system. Such data will not be disclosed or sold to a third party without prior consent.

PUBLIC DATA are all non-private information, including among other things, the URL of the site or file being labelled and the RSACi label that results from the rating process. PUBLIC DATA may be disseminated freely or for a fee at the sole discretion of ICRA, for example, for use by third party label bureaus.

The registration process is intended for webmasters or people who control websites. Registrants can opt out and have their details removed by forwarding a request to [email protected] stating their name, e-mail address and website URL. However, because of the above mentioned authentication procedure, a contact person will need to be registered in our database for a site to remain rated with RSACi. Details of information held can be obtained by forwarding a written request with proof of identity to the following address:

Internet Content Rating Association 22 Old Steine Brighton Sussex, BN1 1EL

United Kingdom

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The Internet Content Rating Association works with a third party that serves ads to this site. To find out more about how Flycast manages the privacy of information in conjunction with serving ads on this site, please go to

© Internet Content Rating Association 2000
All Rights Reserved