Internet Content Rating Association

Any presentation including, but not limited to, pictures, no matter how crudely drawn or depicted, written descriptions, oral recitations, and or audio sounds.

Any sentient being, no matter how portrayed (photographed or drawn) or how crudely drawn (including stick figures) understood by any reasonable person as human or humanoids in form including alien sentient beings that have human-like form (head AND arms AND torso AND legs AND walking upright).

Any portrayal of unwanted, unauthorized, or otherwise non-consensual sexual acts forced upon one sentient being by another sentient being (rape). Any portrayal of explicit or non-explicit sexual acts, consensual or not, between a human or human-like being that a reasonable person would consider as being under the age of 18, and another human or human-like being that a reasonable person would consider over the age of 18. Any portrayal of sex, consensual or not, between an animal and a human or human-like being (bestiality).

Any portrayal of sexual activity that a reasonable person would consider as more than just non-explicit sexual activity because it shows genitalia. This includes any portrayal of sexual activity by one human or human-like being, or among multiple humans, including, but not limited to masturbation and sexual intercourse of any kind (oral, anal vaginal), that shows genitalia.

Any portrayal of sexual activity that a reasonable person would consider as more than just clothed sexual touching or non-explicit sexual touching, either by one human or human-like being or among multiple humans, including, but not limited to masturbation and sexual intercourse of any kind (oral, anal, vaginal), that may show nudity, but does not show genitalia. Non-explicit sexual activity includes sound on an audio track, such as the kinds of groans, moans, and other sounds that to a reasonable person would imply sexual activity was taking place.

Any portrayal of any touching between or among humans or human-like beings, that a reasonable person would consider more than just passionate kissing, including but not limited to such things as groping, petting, licking, and rubbing, that falls short of intercourse (sexual, oral, or otherwise), and that does show bare buttocks or female breasts, but does NOT show genitalia. Non-explicit sexual touching does NOT include non-explicit or explicit sexual acts as defined above and does NOT include masturbation.

Any portrayal of any activity or touching between or among humans or human-like beings, other than innocent kissing and passionate kissing, that falls short of intercourse (sexual, oral, or otherwise) or masturbation, and that does NOT show bare buttocks, female breasts, or genitalia, but that any reasonable adult would perceive as sexual in nature. This includes but is not limited to such things as groping, petting, licking, rubbing. Non-explicit sexual touching does NOT include non-explicit or explicit sexual acts as defined below and does NOT include masturbation.

Any portrayal of humans or human-like creatures kissing that a reasonable person would consider more than just innocent kissing. This includes any kissing during which tongues touch (or mouths are obviously open), and any kissing on, but not limited to, the neck, torso, breasts, buttocks, legs.

Any portrayal of humans or human-like creatures which a reasonable person would consider as just kissing on lips (without touching of tongues), head, shoulder, hands or arms, but not any other areas including but not limited to neck, breasts, torso, or legs. Innocent kissing shows affection and/or love, but creates no reasonable perception of stronger sexual activity as defined in this methodology.

Portrayals of activity showing love and affection with NO stronger sexual contact as defined in this methodology. This might include embraces, hugging, innocent kissing, holding hands, etc.