Internet Content Rating Association

WHO: The Commission on Child Online Protection (COPA)


  • Donald Telage, Network Solutions Inc. – Commission Chairman
  • Stephen Balkam, Internet Content Rating Association
  • John Bastian, Security Software Systems
  • Jerry Berman, Center for Democracy & Technology
  • Robert C. Cotner,
  • Arthur H. DeRosier, Jr., Rocky Mountain College
  • J. Robert Flores, National Law Center for Children and Families
  • Albert F. Ganier III, Education Networks of America
  • Michael E. Horowitz, Department of Justice
  • Donna Rice Hughes, Author, Kids Online/Founder,
  • C. Lee Peeler, Federal Trade Commission
  • William M. Parker,
  • Gregory L. Rohde, Department of Commerce/NTIA
  • C. James Schmidt, San Jose State University
  • William L. Schrader, PSINet
  • Larry Shapiro, Disney’s
  • Srinija Srinivasan, Yahoo! Inc.
  • Karen Talbert, Nortel Networks
  • George Vradenburg III, America Online, Inc.




THURSDAY, JUNE 8 Hearing on resources that are one-click-away – 9:30am to 12:30 pm

Hearing on creation of a top level domain – 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm

FRIDAY, JUNE 9 Hearing on age verification technologies – 9:30 am to 12:30pm

COPA Commission meeting – 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm


FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Room 432 Washington, D.C.

(corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and 6th Street, N.W.)


Kristin LitterstDittus Communications

202-298-9055 or [email protected]

A witness list for the hearing will be forthcoming. The hearing and meeting both are open to the public. The Commission will accept public comments during the hearing.

The COPA Commission, a congressionally appointed panel, was mandated by the Child Online Protection Act, which was approved by Congress in October 1998. The primary purpose of the Commission is to “identify technological or other methods that will help reduce access by minors to material that is harmful to minors on the Internet.” The Commission’s report is due to Congress by November 30, 2000.

About ICRA
Formed in May 1999, ICRA was created to develop an internationally acceptable online content labeling system. The new global labeling system will be based on the RSACi content rating system that is already embedded in Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator and has rated more than 120,000 Web sites. Formed with the backing of some of the world’s best known Internet and communications companies, ICRA’s founding members include, AOL, Bell Canada, Bertelsmann Foundation, British Telecom (BT), Cable & Wireless, Demon Internet (UK), Deutsche Telekom Online Service, Electronic Network Consortium, EuroISPA, IBM, Internet Watch Foundation, Microsoft, Novell, Software & Information Industry Association, and UUNet.

Contact: Jennifer Riggle Porter Novelli Convergence Group — ICRA +1 757-451-3665

[email protected]