Internet Content Rating Association

Internet Content Rating Association

This site uses frames and makes extensive use of JavaScript. You’re seeing this message for one of two possible reasons:

  1. Your browser does not support frames or JavaScript. In which case, you’ll need to revisit the site with an alternative browser.
  2. You have chosen not to allow JavaScript functions to run on your browser. Please consider allowing it this time! The site is available in different languages. JavaScript is used to control the multi-lingual functionality and is a necessary part of the site. No personal data is captured from your computer, except for the data entered into the rating questionnaire. This process incidentally also sets a cookie which stores the information you supply on your own machine. It does not capture or in any way send further data to ICRA. If you do not use the rating questionnaire, no cookie is set.

A basic information page is available without any JavaScript or frames here.

A non-frames, non-JavaScript, non-Cascading Style Sheet version of the site (with therefore much reduced functionality) is being created and should be on line soon. This message added 4th June 2001.