Internet Content Rating Association

Office Manager, Internet Content Rating Association

Cath was born and lived in Wiltshire (Great Britain) until her early twenties where she worked for a Chartered Accountants. During this time she gained a good all-round knowledge of secretarial and accountancy areas. After 10 years with the firm, she sought the excitement of London and began working as an Office Manager/Assistant Company Secretary for a North London Housing Association.

Three years down the line and another change – this time to work as P/A to the Business Affairs Controller at Granada Media (which encompasses London Weekend Television & Granada TV, amongst others). After several changes in the department, Cath moved to Brighton and into another division of Granada Media which deals with Online areas and the development of web sites for the company. There she worked as Office Manager to 85 members of staff and dealt with everything from major office moves to photocopier repairs!

When the commuting between Brighton and London became too much, Cath arrived at ICRA when fate played its part, and became Office Manager for the team.

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