Internet Content Rating Association::: Filter templates

As an independent organization, the Internet Content Rating Association makes no comment on the content of any legal website. ICRA’s commitment to free speech on the internet is as strong as our commitment to protecting children from what their parents deem to be inappropriate material. Choice not censorship is more than just a slogan. Therefore, ICRA does not itself make any templates. We do however provide the tools for organizations which do take a particular viewpoint to express those views in an easy to install, easy to use filtering system.

Below you’ll find links to organizations ICRA has worked with to create filtering templates. These templates can contain any combination of:

  • Filtering rules based on ICRA labels (or the absence of such labels)
  • Allow lists – sites to which users should always have access
  • Block lists – sites from which users should always be blocked

Some template providers offer not just their template, but a complete version of ICRAfilter that comes with their template pre-installed giving you even less for you to worry about!

You may download and install as many templates as you wish into any version of ICRAfilter

Information about templates is provided in the relevant language.

If your organization is interested in creating a template, please click here.
The Anti-Defamation League offers both a complete filter – HateFilter 2.0 and a template for use in ICRAfilter.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) fights anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry in the USA and elsewhere, combats international terrorism, probes the roots of hatred, advocates before the US Congress, comes to the aid of victims of bigotry, develops educational programmes, and serves as a public resource for government, media, law enforcement and the public, all toward the goals of countering and reducing hatred.

Get the download!
Liebe Eltern,

mit Kidstation bietet Aral ihren Kindern eine breit angelegtes Kinderportal im Internet, mit allem was dazu gehört: eigene E-Mail, ein breites redaktionelles Angebot, vielen Spielen und mit der Suchmaschine K-Finder mit mehreren tausend vom Kidstation-Personal geprüften und katalogisierten Seiten. Aufbauend auf dem Bestand des K-Finders haben wir eine Filterschablone für den ICRA-Filter erstellt, die jetzt etwa 5000 geprüfte deutschsprachige Seiten in einer Positivliste zusammenstellt.

Hier geht es zur Kidstation-Filterschablone