Published 21st March 2002
Version 1.0

In order that “Template Providers” may be able to brand their PRFs, ICRA has defined an optional extension to the W3C’s PICSRules specification. A 16 by 16 pixel icon may be included as a hexadecimal string. The extension declaration should be given as follows:

optextension ( “http://www.icra.org/prf-opt.html” ShortName “ICRAfilter” )

The extension has a single attribute/value pair as follows:

Attribute: ICRAfilter.Icon Value: Quoted string containing a hexadecimal encoding of a Microsoft Windows .ICO file which itself contains a single 16×16 pixel icon.

Usage: Used by ICRAfilter to display a branding icon in the template list.

Once declared, the extension can then be called as required.


ICRAfilter.Icon “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”

The example above is the default icon used in the ICRA system.

For further information contact [email protected] or write to Internet Content Rating Association 22 Old Steine BRIGHTON BN1 1EL