ICRA: Internet Content Rating Association::: Choice not censorship

If you want to get a label for your site, please click here and use the label generator on this site.

If, however, you would like to include a copy of the label & meta data generator on your website, or you would like to have a copy on your computer for easy offline use, then this is the page for you.

The label generator is a self-contained tool which can be customized to suit your particular needs. Whichever option you choose, and whatever modifications you make, there are some elements you must include. These are:

  1. ICRA’s terms and conditions. The ICRA system is protected by copyright and its use is subject to terms and conditions which each user must agree to before adding a label to their site
  2. ICRA’s privacy policy. The form will submit data, including the user’s private e-mail address, to ICRA. The organization takes its responsibilities towards protecting people’s privacy very seriously and the privacy policy is the user’s guarantee that information they submit will not be misused.
  3. If configured for offline use, the generator will use the end-user’s e-mail client to submit data to ICRA. In online mode, a CGI script on the ICRA server is called which again reports the use to ICRA. One or other of these reporting methods must be operational.
  4. The wording of the questionnaire itself and its help file must not be edited in any way

Choose your generator

Please read the brief description for each option below and then choose the one that suits you best before downloading the relevant file.

  • The Full Monty – something for everyone
    This is a full copy of both ICRA’s basic and extended label generators. Why 2? The basic form uses a very simple HTML form to send the user’s input to ICRA with very little checking. This should work well on all browsers. BUT, before it loads, the form first detects whether the user’s browser is capable of supporting the much more flexible and user-friendly extended version. If so, the user is immediately redirected to it. This is the set-up seen on this site.
  • Maximum functionality
    A copy of the extended label & meta data generator as seen on this website. This version can be fully customized and offers a lot of choices to you and your users. BUT it is wholly dependent on JavaScript which means that not all visitors to your website will be able to use it.
  • Anyone can use it
    This is just the basic form on its own. As noted above, it will work on any browser but does very little checking of user input.
  • Single file
    Designed mainly for offline use, this is a single (quite large) file that has the entire extended form in one. It can equally be used online and can be included in your website without any need for configuration by you.


Version 2.0 2002-06-25