In addition to that available within the primary technical documents I have prepared some additional test data as follows.
RDF instance 1 has been posted at
The hostRestrictions are:
Two labels are defined:
- na 1 (Exposed breasts)
- sa 1(Passionate kissing)
- va 1 (Assault/rape)
- la 1 (Abusive or vulgar terms)
- oa 1 (Depiction of tobacco use)
- ca 1 (User-generated content such as chat rooms and message boards (moderated))
- xb 1 (This material appears in an educational context)
label _1
Is the “none of the above” in all categories label.
A rule states that if the URL contains “589” then label_2 should be applied. Label_1 is the default.
Links to this RDF instance have been put in place on the following pages:
In addition
A second RDF instance (RDF instance 2) has been posted at that contains just one label that declares none of the above in all categories except user-generated content (declared as ca 1).
The link to this RDF instance is included solely on the homepage of
Expected results
The Content Label for is label_1 in RDF instance 1.
The Content Label for is label_2 in RDF instance 1.
A visit to any page on should yield label_1 in RDF instance 1.
The East Suffolk Line Walks site presents different possibilities as follows
1. If the client has already visited either of the other two sites, RDF instance 1 will be held in cache and label_1 can be applied to any page on However, on visiting the homepage at, label_1 in RDF instance 2 should take priority since the RDF data is on the same host as the resources being described.
2. If a client has visited or before going directly to, for example, without having gone to the homepage – and therefore being unaware of the local RDF data – then the information in RDF instance 1 can be legitimately used.
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