How to label other addresses

You should not normally create labels for resources pulled from other domains.

If your site can be reached by multiple addresses (for example, if your site uses a redirect), then you should give the actual site address in the box asking for your URL homepage, as this is where the RDF label will sit and the Link tag will direct the filter to. The advanced functions box in the label generator will allow you to enter a list of other domains by which your site can be reached, and this is where you should include your redirect address. (see figure 1)

Fig 1: Entering extra domains when creating the labels

If you have already labelled your site and wish to add further domain names this can be done relatively easily but you will need to edit your labels.rdf file.

Open the labels.rdf file in a text editor (such as Windows Notepad or Apple’s Simple Text) and look for this section:


Simply copy the hostRestriction line and edit it to include your new domain(s) as you wish:


Notice that host restrictions do not normally include the www. prefix.

If you wish, you can check your edited file with the World Wide Web Consortium’s RDF validator.

Note: For instructions on how to manually add further domain names to the PICS version of your ICRA label (which was delivered along with your Link tag), please see the PICS support section. In order for your site to pass though Microsoft’s Content Advisor filter, you may need to add the URLs of banner ads and other resources pulled from other domains. While it is bad practice to add these to the RDF label, it may be necessary to add them to the PICS label for backwards compatibility with older filtering platforms.

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