Participant Feedback

The ICRA meeting met expectations and more for bringing together the industry around child safety issues and more. The companies and representatives in the room are the ones that affect positive change in both private industry and public policy capacities which makes it a worthwhile venture to attend. Thanks for coordinating these terrific gatherings.

David George, Microsoft

I very much enjoyed the discussion. This was my first time attending, and I was amazed at the industry presence in the meeting as well as the common viewpoints and struggles shared between the attendees (in regards to the core issues). I will definitely attend subsequent sessions and would like to assist in getting others players in this industry engaged as well…

Jeff Young,

The diversity of participants and complexity of the issues discussed drove in the “think globally, act locally” nature of internet safety challenges. Participants and their organizations must, obviously, concentrate on the best paths to pursue as responsible players in the information world. Roundtables such as ICRA’s provide a very valuable platform from which organizations can share best practices and stay abreast of the lightning-fast changes in the world of internet safety.

Torie Clark, Comcast

What is remarkable about these ICRA Roundtables is the degree of frankness the participants are willing to demonstrate as they discuss the key issues and talk about how their organizations are addressing them. ICRA has created this unique space, a `dome of trust’ if you will, under which candid opinions are exchanged and everyone attending has the opportunity to learn. The chance to attend these invitation-only sessions underlines the added value that ICRA can provide to its members.

Al MacKay, former independent ICRA Board member

The Round Table was great – it’s so informative and at the time encouraging to do even more. It’s good to see that everybody has the same aim and at the same time we share the same problems. I found it interesting from how far others travel to these round tables (I don’t mean me) and to be together with people that have the wish and the power to improve child protection on the internet. I hope to bring some of the spirit from the round table back to Germany to convince some more people of the importance of ICRA.

Dr. Silke Springensguth, Senior Manager, Promotion & Planning, AOL Deutschland

ICRA’s symposium on managing content on the Internet in September was another example of the unique service that this organization brings to the public discourse over what the government should do about content on the Internet that may be inappropriate for children. Anyone who has spent time following global governmental activities regarding the Internet knows that there is no issue that is more important to regulators and politicians alike than what to do about children and the Internet. By bringing together the principal industry executives responsible for Internet content and Internet access along with experts on the governments activities in this area for an in-depth, off-the-record discussion, ICRA has done a lot to advance policy-making in this key area.

Roger J. Cochetti, Group Director of U.S. Public Policy, CompTIA