W3C Call for Review: Rule Interchange Format Working Group Charter

ICRA supports the establishment of a framework in which data such as our descriptive labels for websites and similar metadata, such as trustmarks, can be processed. The second use case in the proposed charter (in which the prescription of one drug contradicts the prescription of another) can easily map to the ICRA model for child protection in that one set of characteristics (of the content) may be in conflict or agreement with another (the parental settings).

ICRA further notes and welcomes that the RIF will build on, among others, semantic web technologies. It is hoped that the development of a powerful rules language will facilitate innovative applications that can make the best possible use of data available from several sources that describe a particular item of digital content.

It is clear that the scope of the RIF goes well beyond what is required by ICRA’s relatively simple use case. The organization will not, therefore, seek to participate in the working group, but will watch its development with great interest and comment when appropriate.