POWDER Processor (version 0.7)

This tool is still under construction but is nearing it’s 1.0 status. It is designed to show how POWDER might be used, returning an RDF description of a given resource dervied from a given POWDER document as a data source. If you see funny error ocurring it’ll be because I’m working on this – this is the development site, there is, as yet, no stable version.

This demonstrator has not been endorsed by the POWDER Working Group although the expecetation is that this tool will migrate to somewhere on w3.org soon.

Using the processor

Using the processor as a demonstrator should be simple enough. Enter a candidate URI (the URI to be described) and the URI of a POWDER document that describes it. Submitting the form will return a description either as RDF or as an HTML page that shows the RDF that would be returned (depending on the output option is selected).

Several example POWDER documents are available for demonstration purposes which are copies of those given as examples in the Description Resources document (if the URI of a POWDER document is specified, the drop down list of examples is ignored).

If no POWDER document is specified then the processor will use the data already available in its cache to describe the candidate URI (if it can).

Two simple HTML documents are also provided that demonstrate the use of u=referer when linking to a processor that then returns a description of that document. One uses a DR with a defined IRI set, the other refers directly to its description in line with Section 2.6 of the Description Resources document.

As part of its function, the processor caches POWDER documents. The Clear Cache button will clear the cache of all data that has been uploaded during your tests (and it all gets cleared out regularly anyway).

See also the Validator with which this processor shares some of its code.

To Do

  • Add support temporal validity
  • Improve namespace handling so we’re not tripped up by two docs using the same prefix for different namespaces
  • Switch to using the actual examples from the DR doc rather than local copies
  • Test, harden, tidy up
  • Publish code

Phil Archer
10 December 2008