The Family Online Safety Institute: Protecting your online future

After restarting your computer, you will see a blue ICRAplus icon at the bottom-right of your desktop. Right-click on this to access a number of options. Select Administration. You will be prompted to enter your user name and password. Enter “Default” as the user name and the password you set when you installed the filter.

Enter “Default” as the user name and the password you set when you installed the filter.

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2.2 After installing and configuring ICRAplus, nothing seems to have changed

ICRAplus blocks or allows access to labelled sites according to your settings. Although many sites have chosen to label using the ICRA system, many have not. Labelling of a website is entirely voluntary. If the sites you visit are unlabelled, ICRAplus will not have enough information to block the site. Therefore, for enhanced functionality, you are advised to install one or more of the optional modules.

The optional modules will use additional sources of information that work with ICRAplus to create a more comprehensive filtering system. Note: They are created by companies and organizations that are independent of ICRA and that may charge for their software.

You may also need to clear your browser’s cache so that previously visited sites do not load from your own computer’s memory.

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2.3 Some sites that I have put in my Block list are not being blocked. Why?

If you have previously accessed sites which you now wish to block, then you need to clear your browser’s cache (memory) before the Block list will block them.

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2.4 I have installed some of the optional modules along with ICRAplus. How do I use these?

Optional modules are created by companies and organizations independently of ICRA. To configure any optional module or to find out more about its supplier, go to the Activate/Deactivate filters page in the Administration tool, accessed by right-clicking on the filter’s tray icon, and select the relevant “Configuration” button.

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2.5 Can I set up the filter with different rules for different members of my family?

Yes, ICRAplus can apply different filtering rules for different users, through the “profiles” functions. Each user can have their own login name and password. For full details of how to set up and use profiles, please see the relevant section of the ICRAplus help file.

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2.6 I have set up different profiles, but the filter sometimes asks me for my password and username. Why?

This is a security feature. It helps prevent the scenario of someone leaving the computer unattended while logged in, thus allowing a different user access through an inappropriate profile. You can change exactly how often ICRAplus asks you to reconfirm your identity using the drop-down menu on the Manage profiles page of the Administration tool.

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2.7 I can’t find where to block all unlabelled sites, as I can in Content Advisor.

Some parents may wish to use the filter to block all sites except those in their Allow list and those that can be filtered by their ICRA label. This is possible using ICRAplus but you do need to follow a number of steps:

In the Administration tool:

  • go to Filter Combinations, select “Use Advanced” and then click on the Advanced button.
  • at the bottom of the matrix look for the option to Block or Allow “If the global response is ignore.”
  • select Block then click Apply.

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2.8 I have a previous version of the filter and wish to update to the latest release. How do I do this?

It is not possible to install a newer version on top of an older one. You will need to completely uninstall the previous version after uninstalling any optional modules you may have installed (see 2.9 and follow its instructions carefully). When the old version has been removed, you can then install the newer version and the optional modules once again.

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2.9 How do I uninstall the filter and/or its modules?

It is important that you very carefully follow the instructions for uninstalling ICRAplus given in the help file. Failure to do so can result in loss of internet connection and could affect other programs too. ICRA cannot be held responsible for problems resulting in improper uninstallation of ICRAplus.

For detailed instructions, please follow the link below.

Please note: ICRAplus is entirely separate from Content Advisor. It is NOT possible to enable/disable it from the browser’s menu.

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2.10 The filter is ignoring my settings in Content Advisor.

Microsoft’s Content Advisor and the ICRAplus filtering platform are completely separate systems. They do not work interactively. As ICRAplus filters at the pre-browser level, settings in Content Advisor are not taken into account, indeed will have no effect. All configuration for ICRAplus, including Block and Allow lists, should be done through its own Administration tool.

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2.11 I have forgotten my Administrator password. What can I do?

Full details of the forgotten password procedure are provided in the ICRAplus help file.

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2.12 Can I use ICRAplus on operating systems other than Windows, such as a Mac?

Unfortunately not. ICRAplus is specifically designed for Windows.

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2.13 What are the current known problems and bugs with ICRAplus?

Full details of current known issues can be seen in the ICRAplus ReadMe file.

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