The Family Online Safety Institute: Protecting your online future

You can just print out this page, BUT… if you download the special version, print it out and stick it up on your wall right next to your computer, it’ll look a whole lot better.

Have a look to see whether you have a program on your computer called Adobe Acrobat Reader. This is a special program that allows you to get all sorts of stuff off the internet that’s designed to be printed, no matter what kind of computer you have. That’s why we use it! If you don’t have Adobe Acrobat, click the button on the right hand side and get it – it’s free!

Once you’ve got Adobe Acrobat, then you’re ready to get your very own copy of the Bill of Rights.

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Back to parents’ page.

I have a right to explore, learn and enjoy all the good kids’ stuff on the Internet.

I have a right to keep all information about me secret.

I have a right not to be bothered or bullied by others.

I have a right to ignore e-mails or messages from people I don’t know or trust.

I have a right not to fill out forms or answer questions I find on the Internet.

I have a right to ask for help from a parent or adult, always.

I have a right to report anyone I think is acting weird or asking weird questions.

I have a right not to feel guilty if icky stuff shows up on my computer screen

I have a right for people to show me respect on the Internet

I have a right to feel safe and be safe on the Internet

Created by ICRA with the cooperation of Childnet International, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, National Urban League and Net-mom. ©2002 Internet Content Rating Association. May be reproduced without permission.