ICRA:互聯網內容標籤協會::: 自願採用標籤而非資訊審查

互聯網內容標籤協會(ICRA)合作伙伴會與世界各地不同的組織合作,協助促進保護的兒童不受網上有害資訊之害及保護網上言論自由。 我們的合作伙伴很多都採用ICRA的標籤。


ChildSafe International™
(CSITM), works with multiple agencies to create a major incentive for web developers, companies, schools, libraries, and general users to label the content of their site and get their web sites PICS rated via an ICCSTM certified rating system such as ICRA. In addition, we help to ensure that PICS rated web sites are ICCS certified and the PICS label of their web site content is consistent with their ECRiTM rating seal, under the globally recognized iWatchDogTM Programme.

A Spanish company founded in 1997 with the prevailing mission to use the best software technology for the optimization of appropriate Internet usage in all areas, including companies, administration, education centres, and in the home market.

Optenet is working with ICRA and the National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos,” in Athens on the Sift project which is supported bu the European Union Internet Action Plan.

The Internet Content Filtering Group (i-config), part of the SKEL laboratory in NCSR “Demokritos,” develops intelligent filtering technology, which provides its users with the ability to select content in accordance with their requirements, irrespective of data source or data format. The group combines expertise in a variety of cutting-edge technologies, such as information extraction, information filtering, image analysis, language engineering, knowledge discovery, personalization and Internet technologies.
EuroISPA was established to achieve several important purposes. First, to protect and promote the interests of Europe as a whole within the global Internet, securing for Europe a premier position in this key industry. Secondly, to help deliver the benefits of this new technology of liberation and empowerment to individuals, while at the same time meeting the legitimate concerns of parents and others responsible for the weaker members of society. Thirdly, to encourage the development of a free and open telecommunications market, something of great benefit to society as a whole but essential to the healthy development of the Internet. And finally, to promote the interests of our members and provide common services to them where these cannot be had elsewhere.
fornisce informazioni pratiche sui sistemi di controllo dei contenuti Internet (parental control, filtro famiglia e simili).Non ha pretese di esaustivit.
Kaosweaver provides extensions for leading web development tools. Their suite of extensions includes an extension for Macromedia Dreamweaver that makes adding ICRA labels quick and easy.

Kaosweaver’s web development work first started in pure JavaScript scripts and then moved to Macromedia Dreamweaver Extension building. Adobe GoLive, Microsoft FrontPage, Macromedia Flash, Fireworks and Ultradev products are also targeted for extension/addin development.

The Collaboration for Internet Rating, Certification, Labeling and Evaluation of Health Information

The overarching aim of MedCIRCLE is to develop and promote technologies able to guide consumers to trustworthy health information on the Internet

ADL fights anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry in the USA and elsewhere, combats international terrorism, probes the roots of hatred, advocates before the US Congress, comes to the aid of victims of bigotry, develops educational programmes, and serves as a public resource for government, media, law enforcement and the public, all toward the goals of countering and reducing hatred. With its Headquarters in New York City, ADL has a network of Regional and Satellite Offices throughout America, and in Jerusalem, Vienna and Moscow.

ADL was the first independent organization to create a template for use with ICRAfilter and has released its own version of the software, known as HateFilter 2.0. Click here for details.

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Zanox uses and recommends ICRA labels to classify the content of affiliate sites and guarantees a high quality Affiliate network.

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