W3C Issues first public draft for mobileOK

12th July 2006 W3C Issues first public draft for mobileOK

The W3C has followed up its publication of the Mobile Web Best Practices (see next diary entry) with the first public draft of its specification for mobileOK. This is to be a machine-readable trustmark that allows search engines, content aggregators and end users to recognise online resources that follow the Best Practices.

Importantly, it is very likely that the trustmark will be carried on the same technical platform used by ICRA for its content labels and its partners in the Quatro project. That platform is currently undergoing scrutiny in a separate group within W3C, the Content Label Incubator Group, which ICRA’s Phil Archer chairs.

The aim is to create a solid commercial case for labelling resources for a variety of purposes, including child protection. The advent of mobileOK is an important step towards this.