The Family Online Safety Institute: Protecting your online future

ICRAchecked is designed to provide reliable data about websites. This can be used by applications such as filters, but can also provide information for machines that catalogue, select and re-package online resources. Principle among these, of course, are the search engines. Google introduced its Customized Search Engine platform in late 2006 and this is the basis of ICRAchecked search.

Non-labelled sites are included in the results too, so you get a full Google search, but a higher position is given to ICRAchecked sites and an age-based rating is displayed with each one. Sites that are ICRA labelled but are not ICRAchecked are not given any extra prominence in the results.

If you have labelled your website but have not registered for ICRAchecked, do so now!


We are keen to enter agreements with other Google CSE operators to share data. In particular, we would like our search results to highlight sites recognized by trustmarks and quality seals that seek to promote security, privacy and accuracy on the Web.

Future plans

ICRAchecked itself was launched at the end of November 2006 and the search facility, launched April 2007, is the first major application to make use of the data. An early ambition is to create customized search engines tailored to a particular age range.
