Internet Content Rating Association

Executive Director
Center For Democracy & Technology

Jerry Berman is the Executive Director of CDT. The Center was founded in December of 1994 by Mr. Berman and Daniel Weitzner.

Mr. Berman coordinates CDT’s free speech and privacy policy working groups comprised of communications firms, associations and civil liberties groups addressing Internet policy issues. He also chairs the Advisory Committee to the Congressional Internet Caucus. Mr. Berman coordinated the successful Citizens Internet Empowerment Coalition challenge to the Communications Decency Act. Mr. Berman has led legislative efforts to enact such landmark legislation as the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986. Prior to founding the Center for Democracy and Technology, Mr. Berman was a Director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Mr. Berman was also Chief Legislative Counsel at the ACLU from 1978-1988 and founder and director of ACLU Projects on Privacy and Information Technology.

Mr. Berman received his BA, MA, and LLB at the University of California, Berkeley. He graduated with honors, was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and served as an editor of the California Law Review at Boalt Law School.

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