互联网内容标签协会(ICRA)附属会员是让小型公司或个人参与支持ICRA的两大宗旨: 保护儿童免受网上可能有害的物品影响和, 保障网上的言论自由。 ICRA以大的公司或个人附属会员为荣,因为他们经已承诺在他们所创设和管理的网页执行标签化,并支持ICRA的工作。 除了在此页列出名字外,成为附属会员还有其他的益处,如要更多资料,请按此。 所有有关附属会员的介绍均不应引起任何诉讼,你可先到「标签内容页」查看附属会员的标签,才到其网站,这是实时查看已标签网站的工具(采用JavaScript) 。 立即加入 Find drug rehab and drug rehabilitation treatment centers listed in an easy-to-use searchable directory. 最小化 | 内容标签 | Visit Drug-Rehabs.com OurLittleNet runs Absolutely Safetm neighborhood web sites that use ICRA on every page. Neighborhood residents can quickly and easily create free web […]
Author Archives: icraorg
ICRA’s Associate Membership exists to allow smaller companies and individuals to support ICRA’s twin aims of: protecting children from potentially harmful material; and, protecting free speech on the internet. ICRA is proud to count the following companies and individuals as Associate Members. They have all made a commitment to label websites they create and maintain, […]
在网站上使用ICRATM标签 (元标记)时你同意以下条款及条件: 你确认ICRA标记的有效性,以及ICRATM已经在该等标记中建立了重大的权利与有价值的商誉。你同意不会损害ICRA在ICRA标记中的所有权,权利和权益。标记包括标签(元标记),机构全名及字首组字名称,以及ICRA标志。你不会就ICRA标签、任何ICRA标记或令人混淆的类似标记进行申索,申请注册或注册。所有对标签及其他ICRA标记的使用之利益均全部只归ICRA所有。 提交登记问卷时,将会建立一个资料库记项,同时ICRATM将会发送一个标签(元标记),必须依指示放置。 若你提交登记以及根据指示套用标签 (元标记),你会得到在指定内容上使用该标签 (元标记)的特许权。 如果以下条件任何一项不符,特许权权将会失效,同时ICRATM有权移除资料库记项。 在登记程序中会发出有关标签 (元标记)使用的指示,你同意遵从此等指示。 所有在登记时提交之资料必须准确,真实及全面。 标签 (元标记)必须依从指示张贴,并与资料库内记项相符。 标签 (元标记)必须在任何时间都准确反影其叙述的内容。 更改标签(元标记),必须经重新标签,并在资料库内制出一个新匹配记项。 ICRATM可在任何时间对标签 (元标记)进行自动或人手检查。 如无有效的特许权,必须停用标签或ICRATM标记,同时不可使用令人混淆的类似标记或名称。 如>ICRATM因为失实陈述内容而撤回一个特许权,将会发送通知往在登记问卷中的电邮地址。如在上述通知发出后两星期内仍未纠正有关情况,ICRA保留采取适当行动的权利,包括但不限于透过名单、网上张贴以及知会新闻界,公布有关的失实陈述。 就一切因违反此协议,或因你采取与任何服务,已标签网站,失实陈述或违反登记问卷有关的行动而引起的申索、诉讼、损失与损害,你谨此同意弥偿ICRATM,,并使之不会受到损害。 使用标签 (元标记)是完全自愿的,你同意此协议时,ICRATM并未就此作出任何申述或任何种类的保证。ICRA或代表ICRA就网站标签 (元标记)而进行之任何审核,评核或其他程序或其结果,并不会构成ICRA作出,或代表ICRA作出之申述或保证,包括指标签是适用于该网站的申述。再者,此等事件与/或结果不会对ICRA构成任何法律责任或义务,亦不会给予你或任何第三者依赖之权利,亦不会被视作是为你或第三者之利益而进行。ICRA不保证或担保标签不会侵害任何属于第三者的商标,服务标记,商业名称,版权或任何知识产权权益。 如你转让网站责任予他人,你会知会承继者,使用标签 (元标记)必须遵守此等条款及条件,同时要继续使用标签 (元标记)必须重新标签。除获得同意外,你会采取步骤,通过知会ICRA去移除标签 (元标记)以及资料库记项。特许权并不包括分发特许权内之任何权利之权力。 所有发给ICRA之通知,申索,请求或要求必须以书面作出,并以挂号或经核证之邮递,附上回邮邮资,寄往: Executive Director Internet Content Rating Association™ 22 Old Steine Brighton BN1 1EL United Kingdom 此协议受英格兰与威尔斯法律管限,并受英格兰与威尔斯法院独有审判权管辖。 返回页首 ICRA私隐政策 ICRA 致力保障登记人仕以及其他浏览此网站人仕的私隐。要标签系统能够妥善运作,在登记过程中,我们一定要搜集一些有关采用标签的网站之资料,包括负责人仕的联络方法。虽然我们可能会透露有关已登记网站的资料,但我们不会透露直接连系某人的资料,如名称或电邮地址。 ICRA登记 为登记行政所需,在登记的过程中,网站使用者须要填报某程度的私人以及有关网站的资料。ICRA把在标签过程中收集得之资料分为两类:私人资料与公共资料。 私人资料包括个人资料,如名字、地址、机构、电邮地址,电话号码等。私人资料的收集,纯粹是给ICRA核实程序之用,以确保标签制度之持正性。此等资料不会在未得事先同意下透露或售予第三者。 公共资料指所有非私人资料,包括网站的URL,加标签的档案,以及评级结果。ICRA可自行决定以免费或收费方式发放公共资料,例如供第三者标签机构使用。 此登记程序是供网站管理员使用,登记人可选择不再收取我们的数据。只需于www.icra.org/contact 的表格内填写姓名、电邮、及网址。但为了内部的核实需要,我们必须存有你的标签网站的一名联络人数据,如欲索取详情,以书面要求连同身分证明送到以下地址: Internet […]
ICRA’s Associate Membership exists to allow smaller companies and individuals to support ICRA’s twin aims of: protecting children from potentially harmful material; and, protecting free speech on the internet. ICRA is proud to count the following companies and individuals as Associate Members. They have all made a commitment to label websites they create and maintain, […]
ICRA’s Associate Membership exists to allow smaller companies and individuals to support ICRA’s twin aims of: protecting children from potentially harmful material; and, protecting free speech on the internet. ICRA is proud to count the following companies and individuals as Associate Members. They have all made a commitment to label websites they create and maintain, […]
ICRA’s Associate Membership exists to allow smaller companies and individuals to support ICRA’s twin aims of: protecting children from potentially harmful material; and, protecting free speech on the internet. ICRA is proud to count the following companies and individuals as Associate Members. They have all made a commitment to label websites they create and maintain, […]
ICRA’s Associate Membership exists to allow smaller companies and individuals to support ICRA’s twin aims of: protecting children from potentially harmful material; and, protecting free speech on the internet. ICRA is proud to count the following companies and individuals as Associate Members. They have all made a commitment to label websites they create and maintain, […]
ICRA’s Associate Membership exists to allow smaller companies and individuals to support ICRA’s twin aims of: protecting children from potentially harmful material; and, protecting free speech on the internet. ICRA is proud to count the following companies and individuals as Associate Members. They have all made a commitment to label websites they create and maintain, […]
ICRA’s Associate Membership exists to allow smaller companies and individuals to support ICRA’s twin aims of: protecting children from potentially harmful material; and, protecting free speech on the internet. ICRA is proud to count the following companies and individuals as Associate Members. They have all made a commitment to label websites they create and maintain, […]
ICRA’s Associate Membership exists to allow smaller companies and individuals to support ICRA’s twin aims of: protecting children from potentially harmful material; and, protecting free speech on the internet. ICRA is proud to count the following companies and individuals as Associate Members. They have all made a commitment to label websites they create and maintain, […]