Author Archives: icraorg

Teclas del logotipo de ICRA

Transparent Backgrounds i26x25blk.gif i26x25dkb.gif i26x25g.gif i26x25ltb.gif i40x38blk.gif i40x38dkb.gif i40x38g.gif i40x38ltb.gif All images below are 88x31px and sub 2kb unless otherwise stated. icra_sw.gif icra_sy.gif icra_sg.gif icra_sb.gif de_sw_88x31.gif de_sy_88x31.gif de_sg_88x31.gif de_sb_88x31.gif en_aw_88x31.gif en_ay_88x31.gif en_ag_88x31.gif en_ab_88x31.gif us_aw_88x31.gif us_ay_88x31.gif us_ag_88x31.gif us_ab_88x31.gif es_aw_88x31.gif es_ay_88x31.gif es_ag_88x31.gif es_ab_88x31.gif fr_aw_88x31.gif fr_ay_88x31.gif fr_ag_88x31.gif fr_ab_88x31.gif it_aw_88x31.gif it_ay_88x31.gif it_ag_88x31.gif it_ab_88x31.gif nl_aw_88x31.gif nl_ay_88x31.gif nl_ag_88x31.gif nl_ab_88x31.gif pt_aw_88x31.gif pt_ay_88x31.gif […]

Outcomes of technical meeting held 9th July 2004

The meeting was well attended by members of the LWG and other interested parties, namely: Apologies received from: Statement of intent The meeting agreed to work to define “A standard metadata framework to support child protection, selection and display of content across web technologies, business to business channels, peer to peer and content production.” Requirements […]

The Policy Argument, the Commercial Imperative and the Wow Factor

In the early days of the internet, metadata such as keywords, descriptions and con-tent labels were commonplace. It is ironic that at a time when the need for metadata is ever more apparent, and when RDF and OWL are recognised as being mature stan-dards, the trivial amounts of metadata provided on the majority of websites […]

ICRA Unveils New System To Make Internet Safer

Large, Complex Websites Now Able To Simply Identify Content Via Digital Labels, Encouraging Safer, Filtered Internet Browsing ICRA (the Internet Content Rating Association) has unveiled a new labelling system, based on the RDF (Resource Description Framework) standard, making the process of labelling across large complex websites far simpler in order to encourage many more major […]

Family Online Safety Institute Associate Members

FOSI’s Associate Membership exists to allow smaller companies and individuals to support FOSI’s twin aims of: protecting children from potentially harmful material; and, protecting free speech on the internet. FOSI is proud to count many companies and individuals as Associate Members. They have all made a commitment to label websites they create and maintain, and […]