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Author Archives: icraorg
www.fosi.org English Deutsch Español Français Italiano /about About the Institute /affiliates Affiliates Kooperationspartner Afiliados Affiliés /archive FOSI Document Archive /archive ICRA Document Archive /associates Associate Members Associates Asociados Partenaires /associates2 Associate Members 2 Associates 2 Asociados 2 Partenaires 2 /associates3 Associate Members 3 Associates 3 Asociados 3 Partenaires 3 /associates4 Associate Members 4 Associates 4 […]
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Create a label for all or most of your site Create additional labels if required Upload your label(s) to the web Link your content to your label(s) First published in 2000, the original ICRA descriptors were determined through a process of international consultation to establish a content […]
The Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA) is an international, non-profit organization of internet leaders working to develop a safer internet. ICRA has long believed that self-regulation leads to the best balance between the free flow of digital content and protecting children from potentially harmful material. The centrepiece of the organization is the descriptive vocabulary, often […]
The ICRA vocabulary, often referred to as “the ICRA questionnaire,” was devised by an international panel during 1999 and 2000. A wide range of expertise was called upon to create a descriptive system that would be cross-cultural and able to be translated with as little room for interpretation and subjectivity as possible. The vocabulary was […]
As an Associate Member you will enjoy the following benefits: The right to use any of a choice of specially-designed logos on your on- and offline materials. A listing on FOSI’s high-traffic, high page rank website. Free entry in the ICRAchecked database Priority technical support, normally within 24 hours, often less. Priority access to FOSI […]
The Protecting Kids with Digimarc™ program is made possible through the combined efforts and technologies of the Internet Content Rating Association, Net Nanny, RuleSpace and Digimarc. The Internet Content Rating Association is an international, independent non-profit organization that empowers the public, especially parents, to make informed decisions about electronic media by means of the open […]
Organization Applauds Efforts to Combat Child Porn, But Opposes Government Mandated Labelling Plan for Obscene Material Washington, D.C. 21 April 2006 – Today, US Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez announced a new legislative package, the Child Pornography and Obscenity Prevention Amendments of 2006, which will require communications providers to report the presence of child pornography on […]
On 16th September 2004, the ICRA board was presented with the results of work done by the Labelling Working Group and asked to consider a number of recommendations and proposals. Whilst detailed work continues, the broad outline for a new labelling system is now clear. ICRA will move from PICS to RDF/XMLRDF as its core […]
The technical and policy difficulties of adding PICS labels to websites is discussed in detail in the paper delivered to the workshop on content labelling at WWW2004 (see [WWW]). The WWW workshop itself and subsequent discussions have been instructive in laying the groundwork for possible approaches. One thing is plain: a solution based on the […]