Die Internet Content Rating Association – die Vereinigung zur Klassifizierung von Internet Inhalten – ist eine unabhängige, gemeinnützige Organisation mit Geschäftsstellen in den USA und Europa. Das Ziel von ICRA liegt darin, Kinder vor potentiell schädlichem Material zu schützen ohne das Recht der Anbieter von Inhalten auf Meinungsfreiheit zu beeinträchtigen. ICRA besitzt alle Rechte am […]
Author Archives: icraorg
An invitation to join ICRA and its members NB. Obtaining an ICRA label (meta tag) is free and does not constitute membership of the organization. ICRA is a non-profit organization that brings together major internet industry players, telecommunications companies, content providers and child protection bodies. The dual aims are to protect children and free speech […]
La Internet Content Rating Association es una organización independiente sin fines de lucro con oficinas en los EE.UU. y en Europa. El objetivo de ICRA es proteger a los niños contra material potencialmente pernicioso a la vez que protege el derecho a la libertad de expresión de los proveedores de contenido. ICRA es propietaria y […]
In December ICRA launched the first self-labelling system designed to allow different cultural values to be applied to internet filtering. From today this system is available in German, Spanish and French as well as English. ICRA (Internet Content Rating Association), is an independent, non-profit organization with offices in Europe and North America. Its aim is […]
Ms. Sheridan Scott, Chief Regulatory Officer, Bell Canada, has been appointed Chair of the Board and of the Executive Committee of the Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA). ICRA is an independent, non-profit, organization working with Internet content providers and other members of the industry to develop a filtering and labelling system that can be used […]
28. Februar 2001 NEUE IMPULSE FÜR JUGENDSCHUTZ ONLINE ICRA WEBSITE NUN VIERSPRACHIG Im Dezember präsentierte ICRA das erste Selbstklassifizierungssystem, das bei der Filterung von Internetinhalten den Ansatz unterschiedlicher kultureller Werte erlaubt. Ab heute gibt es das System neben der englischen auch in deutscher, spanischer und französischer Sprache. ICRA (Internet Content Rating Association) ist eine unabhängige, […]
Mme Sheridan Scott, chef des affaires réglementaires chez Bell Canada, a été nommée présidente du Conseil et du comité de direction de l’Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA). L’ICRA est un organisme indépendant à but non lucratif qui travaille en association avec des fournisseurs de contenu Internet et d’autres membres de l’industrie à la mise au […]
World leading interactive digital television broadcaster Ondigital, who recently launched ONnet, has become the first TV broadcaster to join the Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA), one of the world’s foremost labelling and filtering systems for Internet content. ICRA is an independent non-profit organisation, currently working with content providers and industry bodies to develop a new […]
Office Manager, Internet Content Rating Association Before joining ICRA Germaine was the assistant-manager and (multi)media advisor at the Netherlands Board of Film Classification after having been an examiner and rating member for the same organization two years earlier. She recently produced a course on the mechanisms of media narrative for the EU-funded PLATO project, which […]
Senior Vice President for Global and Strategic Policy America Online George Vradenburg is America Online, Inc.’s Senior Vice President for Global and Strategic Policy. Reporting to Steve Case, the company’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Vradenburg sets the Company’s strategic course on evolving policy issues facing the interactive medium. Mr. Vradenburg joined AOL as […]