Tác giả: icraorg

  • Administration

    Print this page This section of ICRAplus allows you to manage your own passwords as the controller of the filter, to add and delete new profiles, and to change individual users’ passwords. Tips for parents Help contents ICRAplus home

  • The Sift project

    Print this page ICRAplus was developed with financial assistance from the European Union under the Internet Action Plan and brought together three partners: Optenet – a leading internet access control solutions provider. Based in Madrid and San Sebastin, Optenet managed the project and carried out the bulk of the development work. Optenet’s comprehensive filtering solution…

  • Configuration

    Print this page This is the section that allows you to customize the way ICRAplus behaves. You can block or allow specific types of content and add your own web addresses that you always want to block or allow. Block/allow content types Lists More on wildcards Filter combination Tips for parents Help contents ICRAplus home

  • Tips for parents

    Print this page No technology can replace parental care while your children are online. Filters are part of the answer, not the whole answer to the very real problem of your children coming across material you consider potentially offensive or harmful. Many organizations offer advice on what steps you can take to help to protect…

  • Changing a user's password

    Print this page When you use ICRAplus with multiple profiles, each user has their own login name and password. To change a user’s password, go to the Manage profiles page and click the [Change password] button next to the relevant user’s name. You do not need to enter the user’s existing password before entering a…

  • How it works

    Print this page ICRAplus intercepts all incoming traffic from the internet and stores it in your computer’s memory. Each filter takes the information it needs from that memory, performs its analysis and then sends a response to the central unit. The response is encoded using the same standard used by ICRA’s self-labelling system. The central…

  • Different rules for different family members

    Print this page If children of different ages and their parents all use the same computer, it is likely you’ll want different filtering rules to apply for different members of your family. ICRAplus supports this through filtering profiles. You might want to install several filters and choose some tight rules for your younger child, apply…

  • Installation

    Print this page ICRAplus is about choice: your choice of which filters to use, your choice of how the system is set up and so on. The drawback with offering you so much choice is that, well, you have to make choices – but we’ve done our best to make it as easy as possible.…

  • The Family Online Safety Institute: Protecting your online future

    Version 2.3 Published January 2006 IMPORTANT: Please note, this document was written to support the v02 version of the ICRA vocabulary. The current vocabulary is v03. While the basic instructions have not changed, the document does not reflect the changes to the legacy PICS vocabulary in the examples it gives. Contents The key concept behind…

  • The Family Online Safety Institute: Protecting your online future

    In proposing a new structure for content labelling based on RDF, the labelling working group has proposed that resources can be linked to their labels by means of Link Rel tags for (X)HTML documents and HTTP Response Headers for all content types. We have carried out a series of tests on Apache servers (running on…