La Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA, Association de classification du contenu d’Internet) est une organisation internationale à but non lucratif réunissant les leaders d’Internet et visant à développer un Internet plus sr. Depuis longtemps, l’ICRA pense que l’autoréglementation permettrait d’atteindre un meilleur équilibre entre la libre circulation des contenus numériques et la protection des enfants […]
Category Archives: Blog
FOSI’s Associate Membership exists to allow smaller companies and individuals to support FOSI’s twin aims of: protecting children from potentially harmful material; and, protecting free speech on the internet. FOSI is proud to count many companies and individuals as Associate Members. They have all made a commitment to label websites they create and maintain, and […]
I have been told of a W3C Note written by Mark Birbeck of, that discusses linkage between XHTML and RDF. Published on 14 February 2004, it seems to address our issues very well. The ideas it proposes come from current work on XHTML 2.0 which is the current focus of work for the primary […]
ICRA is a charity/non-profit organisation that aims to empower parents to make choices about what content their children see whilst protecting free speech rights. Backed by the industry, it offers a system through which content can be described in a machine-readable label that is then read by filtering software in the user’s client. To date, […]
Updated 23 March 2005 As part of the Quatro1 project, and following on from the work of ICRA’s Labelling Working Group2, the technical draft of the proposed new labelling system has been updated3. The new system, based on RDF4, offers many advantages over PICS5 labels currently used by ICRA and others. Labels can be stored […]
Benefit fully from the world’s leading self-labelling system ICRAchecked provides important independent validation of best practice Self-regulation has never been easier Backed by ICRA, an internationally recognized, not-for-profit organization Internet users see the ICRA checked logo as a mark of trust Brochure available formatted for A4 paper and US Letter size (5.5 Mb PDF) ICRA’s […]
Um die Vorteile des älteren PICS-Kennzeichnungssystems der ICRA mit dem Microsoft Internet Explorer nutzen zu können, befolgen Sie bitte die nachstehenden Grundschritte. Bitte beachten: Derzeit werden zwei PICS-Kennzeichnungssysteme der ICRA verwendet, und um einen optimalen Nutzen Ihrer Filterung zu erzielen, sollten Sie beide Systeme im Inhaltsratgeber einrichten. Diese Seite erläutert, wie Sie die Filterung für […]
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Create a label for all or most of your site Create additional labels if required Upload your label(s) to the web Link your content to your label(s) First published in 2000, the original ICRA descriptors were determined through a process of international consultation to establish a content […]
You can print this page directly or download it in these more easily-printed formats: For A4 paper PDF format (32Kb) Word 2000 format (54Kb) For US letter size paper PDF format (32Kb) Word 2000 format (54Kb) The Family Online Internet Safety Contract* An agreement between Parent Contract I know that the Internet can be a […]
La Asociación para la clasificación de contenidos de Internet (ICRA) es una organización internacional sin ánimo de lucro que reúne a las empresas líderes de Internet y cuya finalidad es desarrollar un Internet más seguro. ICRA estima desde hace bastante tiempo que la autorreglamentación permite alcanzar un mejor equilibrio entre la libre circulación de contenido […]