Category Archives: Blog


To 移除安裝 ICRAplus, please use the add/remove programs feature in Windows. To do this, click Start –> Settings –> Control Panel then double click Add/Remove Programs. Select ICRAplus and click the Add/Remove button. You will be prompted for your administrator password! Depending what filter(s) you have installed to work with ICRAplus, you might now want […]

ICRA:互聯網內容標籤協會: 自願採用標籤而非資訊審查

對不起,這一頁只能以英文顯示。 A Digimarc watermark is a special message embedded in an image. Digimarc’s software embeds these messages by making subtle changes to the brightness of the pixels in an image. These changes are so subtle that Digimarc watermarks are considered imperceptible. To help illustrate the impact of a digital watermark, below is a comparison of […]

ICRA: Internet Content Rating Association: Choice not censorship

The Protecting Kids with Digimarc™ program is made possible through the combined efforts and technologies of the Internet Content Rating Association, Net Nanny, RuleSpace and Digimarc. The Internet Content Rating Association is an international, independent non-profit organization that empowers the public, especially parents, to make informed decisions about electronic media by means of the open […]

ICRA:互聯網內容標籤協會: 自願採用標籤而非資訊審查

對不起,這一頁只能以英文顯示。 The Protecting Kids with Digimarc™ program is made possible through the combined efforts and technologies of the Internet Content Rating Association, Net Nanny, RuleSpace and Digimarc. The Internet Content Rating Association is an international, independent non-profit organization that empowers the public, especially parents, to make informed decisions about electronic media by means of the […]

ICRA: Asociación de Clasificación de Contenidos de Internet: Opción y no censura

Lo sentimos pero esta página solamente está disponible en inglés Sign up for a free Protecting Kids with Digimarc™ watermarking subscription. When you do, you will immediately receive your unique Digimarc ID that can be used with many popular image editing tools to embed an Adult Content attribute in your watermarked images. Digimarc enabled imaging […]

ICRA: Vereinigung zur Klassifizierung von Internet Inhalten: Wahlmöglichkeiten und nicht als Zensur

Leider gibt es diese Seite nur in englischer Sprache A Digimarc watermark is a special message embedded in an image. Digimarc’s software embeds these messages by making subtle changes to the brightness of the pixels in an image. These changes are so subtle that Digimarc watermarks are considered imperceptible. To help illustrate the impact of […]

ICRA: L'Association de classification du contenu de l'Internet

Désolé, mais cette page n’est disponible qu’en Anglais A Digimarc watermark is a special message embedded in an image. Digimarc’s software embeds these messages by making subtle changes to the brightness of the pixels in an image. These changes are so subtle that Digimarc watermarks are considered imperceptible. To help illustrate the impact of a […]

Elfin Enterprises of MT, Inc.: ICRA Associate Member

ICRA’s Associate Membership exists to allow smaller companies and individuals to support ICRA’s twin aims of: protecting children from potentially harmful material; and, protecting free speech on the internet. ICRA is proud to count the following companies and individuals as Associate Members. They have all made a commitment to label websites they create and maintain, […]

ICRA: Internet Content Rating Association: Choice not censorship

The Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA) is an international, non-profit organization of internet leaders working to make the internet safer for children, while respecting the rights of content providers. ICRA has long believed the best approach to protecting children online is through “user empowerment” – giving families the tools to control their online experience. When […]