Category Archives: Blog

ICRA Associate Members

ICRA’s Associate Membership exists to allow smaller companies and individuals to support ICRA’s twin aims of: protecting children from potentially harmful material; and, protecting free speech on the internet. ICRA is proud to count the following companies and individuals as Associate Members. They have all made a commitment to label websites they create and maintain, […]

ICRA Associate Members

ICRA’s Associate Membership exists to allow smaller companies and individuals to support ICRA’s twin aims of: protecting children from potentially harmful material; and, protecting free speech on the internet. ICRA is proud to count the following companies and individuals as Associate Members. They have all made a commitment to label websites they create and maintain, […]


ICRA’s Associate Membership exists to allow smaller companies and individuals to support ICRA’s twin aims of: protecting children from potentially harmful material; and, protecting free speech on the internet. ICRA is proud to count the following companies and individuals as Associate Members. They have all made a commitment to label websites they create and maintain, […]

ICRA Associate Members

ICRA’s Associate Membership exists to allow smaller companies and individuals to support ICRA’s twin aims of: protecting children from potentially harmful material; and, protecting free speech on the internet. ICRA is proud to count the following companies and individuals as Associate Members. They have all made a commitment to label websites they create and maintain, […]

ICRA Associate Members

ICRA’s Associate Membership exists to allow smaller companies and individuals to support ICRA’s twin aims of: protecting children from potentially harmful material; and, protecting free speech on the internet. ICRA is proud to count the following companies and individuals as Associate Members. They have all made a commitment to label websites they create and maintain, […]

Internet Content Rating Association

Γυμνό και σεξουαλικό περιεχόμενο Στήσεις ή λεπτομερείς απεικονίσεις γυναικείων γεννητικών οργάνων Αντρικά γεννητικά όργανα Γυναικεία γενετικά όργανα Γυναικείο στήθος Γυμνοί γλουτοί Ευδιάκριτη σεξουαλική πράξη Υπονοούμενη σεξουαλική πράξη Εμφανές σεξουαλικό άγγιγμα Περιπαθές φίλημα Τίποτε από τα προαναφερθέντα Κείμενο-το υλικό εμφανίζεται σε ένα κείμενο με καλλιτεχνική πρόθεση και είναι κατάλληλο για μικρά παιδιά. σε ένα εκπαιδευτικό κείμενο […]

Internet Content Rating Association::: FAQ answers

1.1 What is ICRA? The Internet Content Rating Association is an independent, non-profit organization established in the Spring of 1999 by a group of leading international internet companies and associations. ICRA’s mission is to develop, implement and manage an internationally acceptable voluntary self-rating system which provides internet users world wide with the choice to limit […]

Internet Content Rating Association::: Associate members

ICRA’s Associate Membership exists to allow smaller companies and individuals to support ICRA’s twin aims of: protecting children from potentially harmful material; and, protecting free speech on the internet. ICRA is proud to count the following companies and individuals as Associate Members. They have all made a commitment to label websites they create and maintain, […]