Category Archives: Blog

L'Association de classification du contenu de l'Internet::: Contacts

Désolé, mais cette page n’est disponible qu’en Anglais As an Associate Member you will enjoy the following benefits: The right to use any of a choice of specially-designed logos on your on- and offline materials. A listing on ICRA’s high-traffic website including: Your company logo* A short description of your company/yourself. This can be in […]

ICRA: Vereinigung zur Klassifizierung von Internet Inhalten::: Wahlmöglichkeiten und nicht als Zensur

Leider gibt es diese Seite nur in englischer Sprache As an Associate Member you will enjoy the following benefits: The right to use any of a choice of specially-designed logos on your on- and offline materials. A listing on ICRA’s high-traffic website including: Your company logo* A short description of your company/yourself. This can be […]

ICRA: Asociación de Clasificación de Contenidos de Internet::: Opción y no censura ICRA: Asociación de Clasificación de Contenidos de Internet

Lo sentimos pero esta página solamente está disponible en inglés Please fill in the form below, after which you will be directed to a choice of payment methods. Your associate membership of ICRA will not commence until we have received and processed your fee.

Internet Content Rating Association::: About ICRA

Washington, DC, March 6, 2002 – Leading companies in the adult entertainment industry ranging from Larry Flynt Productions and MaxCash to YNOTMasters and Epoch are taking a proactive and aggressive stand to protect children from inappropriate or harmful Internet content, according to the Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA). ICRA is a global, non-profit organization of […]

Customization and Personalization through RDF

Customisation and Personalisation through RDF At a meeting in Luxembourg on 4th February 2003, a project with the following aims was launched: To develop a new RDF application that: supports multiple content classification vocabularies; can be applied to multiple media types such as text, audiovisual materials and multimedia presentations; works with multiple device types such […]

L'Association de classification du contenu de l'Internet

Utilisez le formulaire ci-dessous pour produire des étiquettes d’évaluation ICRA et, au besoin, d’autres métadonnées pour votre site Web. Presque toutes les données peuvent être enregistrées dans votre ordinateur dans un fichier-témoin afin de vous éviter d’entrer toutes les informations chaque fois que vous utilisez ce formulaire. Le formulaire comprend les sections suivantes: Informations générales […]