對不起,這一頁只能以英文顯示。 NB. Obtaining an ICRA label (meta tag) is free and does not constitute membership of the organization. ICRA is a non-profit organization that brings together major internet industry players, telecommunications companies, content providers and child protection bodies. The dual aims are to protect children and free speech rights on the internet. It’s a challenging […]
Category Archives: Blog
Spiacenti, questa pagina è disponibile solo in inglese The ICRA system encourages content providers (webmasters) to self-label. That is, it is the content providers themselves that add their own ICRA label to their sites declaring what types of content are present or absent. What is to prevent a content provider mislabelling? Can you trust an […]
Spiacenti, questa pagina è disponibile solo in inglese Tiscali joined ICRA in March 2002, recognising that the desire to filter content is an issue of growing importance among their users across Europe. Indeed, many potential family users are reluctant to go online for fear of exposing members of their household to unsuitable content. Media that […]
Spiacenti, questa pagina è disponibile solo in inglese At the London launch of ICRAfilter in March 2002, the then UK Home Office Minister, Beverley Hughes MP, announced that the existing recommendation that sites on the .gov.uk domain should be PICS labelled would henceforth be a requirement. This policy has been incorporated into the Office of […]
Templates can be as simple or as complex as you wish. It is perfectly possible, for example, to make a simple template that allows access to a list of sites and forbids access to any other. On the other hand, using a combination of filtering rules, block lists and allow lists, you can create a […]
Spiacenti, questa pagina è disponibile solo in inglese Enter the URL of the site you want to test and either press [Enter] or click the “Test” button. NBThis tool only tests the single page you enter. If you find that this page is labelled, it does NOT mean that all pages on that website are […]
Spiacenti, questa pagina è disponibile solo in inglese If you want to get a label for your site, please click here and use the label generator on this site. If, however, you would like to include a copy of the label & meta data generator on your website, or you would like to have a […]
Spiacenti, questa pagina è disponibile solo in inglese Feedback ICRAplus is new so we’re very keen to receive feedback and bug reports. The form below is designed to help you give us the information we need, especially for bug fixes.
Spiacenti, questa pagina è disponibile solo in inglese There’s a lot of information available here about ICRAplus, please select a subject area:
Spiacenti, questa pagina è disponibile solo in inglese We sometimes receive reports/complaints from people who feel that, for one reason or another, we should know about a particular site. Please use the form below to report a site by first entering its address and then selecting one of the options below. For ALL other issues, […]