Category Archives: Blog

ICRA:互聯網內容標籤協會::: 自願採用標籤而非資訊審查

對不起,這一頁只能以英文顯示。 NB. Obtaining an ICRA label (meta tag) is free and does not constitute membership of the organization. ICRA is a non-profit organization that brings together major internet industry players, telecommunications companies, content providers and child protection bodies. The dual aims are to protect children and free speech rights on the internet. It’s a challenging […]

Internet Content Rating Association::: Why you can trust an ICRA label

Spiacenti, questa pagina è disponibile solo in inglese The ICRA system encourages content providers (webmasters) to self-label. That is, it is the content providers themselves that add their own ICRA label to their sites declaring what types of content are present or absent. What is to prevent a content provider mislabelling? Can you trust an […]