We are about to move to a new website and the format of the associate member page will change. To see the new format now, please click here. NB: DO NOT sign up for membership on the new site – use this one! Associate members will be kept fully informed about the changes. Please fill […]
Category Archives: Blog
Désolé, mais cette page n’est disponible qu’en Anglais We sometimes receive reports/complaints from people who feel that, for one reason or another, we should know about a particular site. Please use the form below to report a site by first entering its address and then selecting one of the options below. For ALL other issues, […]
Lo sentimos pero esta página solamente está disponible en inglés What is a Watermark? A Digimarc watermark is a special message embedded in an image. Digimarc’s software embeds these messages by making subtle changes to the brightness of the pixels in an image. These changes are so subtle that Digimarc watermarks are considered imperceptible. To […]
Lo sentimos pero esta página solamente está disponible en inglés Partners The Protecting Kids with Digimarc™ program is made possible through the combined efforts and technologies of the Internet Content Rating Association, Net Nanny, RuleSpace and Digimarc. The Internet Content Rating Association is an international, independent non-profit organization that empowers the public, especially parents, to […]
Director Childnet International Nigel is director of Childnet International a charity he founded in 1995 to ensure children benefited from using the Internet rather than being exploited. Childnet’s projects include an international awards programme for Internet activities by and for children, an online directory of participative websites for kids, and much work on promoting internet […]
Lo sentimos pero esta página solamente está disponible en inglés How It Works The Protecting Kids with Digimarc™ program works with content recognition and self-rating solutions, like ICRA Web site labels, to enable filtering solutions to more effectively help make the Internet safer for children. Content providers can easily and quickly watermark their images with […]
Professor Graduate Scool of Media and Governance and Faculty of Environmental Information Keio University Kenji Naemura graduated in 1962 from the University of Tokyo, Faculty of Engineering, from which he also obtained a Doctor’s degree in 1992. Currently, he is Professor of the Graduate School of Media and Governance and of the Faculty of Environmental […]
Executive Director Center For Democracy & Technology Jerry Berman is the Executive Director of CDT. The Center was founded in December of 1994 by Mr. Berman and Daniel Weitzner. Mr. Berman coordinates CDT’s free speech and privacy policy working groups comprised of communications firms, associations and civil liberties groups addressing Internet policy issues. He also […]
Leider gibt es diese Seite nur in englischer Sprache Feedback ICRAplus is new so we’re very keen to receive feedback and bug reports. The form below is designed to help you give us the information we need, especially for bug fixes. ICRA Deutschland
Leider gibt es diese Seite nur in englischer Sprache There’s a lot of information available here about ICRAplus, please select a subject area: ICRA Deutschland