The technical and policy difficulties of adding PICS labels to websites is discussed in detail in the paper delivered to the workshop on content labelling at WWW2004 (see [WWW]). The WWW workshop itself and subsequent discussions have been instructive in laying the groundwork for possible approaches. One thing is plain: a solution based on the […]
Category Archives: Blog
ICRA is about choice not censorship. As a web author, we invite you to use our system to describe, that is, label, your online content in a way that can be processed by computers. The system is designed to be as objective as possible: ICRA makes no value judgements at all about any content. Users, […]
ICRA’s starting point is that the best person to describe a resource is the person who created it. The best person to decide whether a child should have access to a particular resource is the child’s parent. Ideally, no one else is involved. Self-labelling (self description) is scaleable, open and democratic. It meets the needs […]
This page shows the ICRA vocabulary and offers further definitions and guidance on how it should be interpreted. Although developed with digital media in mind, the vocabulary is independent of any technology and can be used to describe any content, whether on or offline. This version first published in July 2005. It is defined in […]
Para poder aprovecharse del antiguo sistema de etiquetado ICRA en formato PICS utilizando Microsoft Internet Explorer, siga los pasos clave que se indican a continuación. Por favor tenga en cuenta lo siguiente: Actualmente ICRA utiliza 2 sistemas de etiquetado en formato PICS. De modo que, para sacarle el máximo partido a su proceso de filtrado, […]
If you have been through the labelling process before you can skip straight to the label generator. In order to label a website you need to do two things: Create one or more labels in a special file and upload it to your website. Link your content to that file. We’ll guide you through every […]
FOSI welcomes enquiries on all aspects of its work through the form below. You will usually receive a response within less than 5 days. The form below is the only route through which technical support enquiries are handled. The overwhelming majority of these are answered by the support index, and most of the replies sent […]
Imprima esta página ICRAplus funciona con todas las versiones de Windows desde Windows 98 (esto es Win 98, ME, 2000, NT 4+ y XP). Puede funcionar con Windows 95 si tiene Winsock 2 instalado. El sitio web de la ICRA incluye todos los detalles para ese procedimiento. NB. ICRAplus es una aplicación Windows y no […]
Print this page ICRAplus intenta ofrecer opciones a sus usuarios, opciones sobre que sistemas de filtrado a utilizar, como configurar el sistema, etc. El problema que puede surgir al ofrecerse tantas opciones es que hay que decidir. Sin embargo, el equipo desarrollador de ICRAplus ha intentado hacer con que esas decisiones se puedan hacer de […]
Imprima esta página ICRAplus puede utilizar diferentes reglas de filtrado para diferentes usuarios, y cada usuario puede tener diferente nombre de usuario y contraseña. Si utiliza esta funcionalidad a los usuarios se les pedirá que confirmen su nombre de usuario y contraseña periódicamente mientras navegan. Puede decidir de cuanto en cuanto tiempo utilizando el menú […]