ICRAplus will effectively block or allow access to sites carrying ICRA labels according to your settings. However, in order to create a robust filtering system that will block or allow access to websites, whether they are labelled with the ICRA system or not, it is strongly recommended that you now select one or more of […]
Category Archives: Blog
ICRAplus will effectively block or allow access to sites carrying ICRA labels according to your settings. However, in order to create a robust filtering system that will block or allow access to websites, whether they are labelled with the ICRA system or not, it is strongly recommended that you now select one or more of […]
ICRAplus will effectively block or allow access to sites carrying ICRA labels according to your settings. However, in order to create a robust filtering system that will block or allow access to websites, whether they are labelled with the ICRA system or not, it is strongly recommended that you now select one or more of […]
ICRAplus will effectively block or allow access to sites carrying ICRA labels according to your settings. However, in order to create a robust filtering system that will block or allow access to websites, whether they are labelled with the ICRA system or not, it is strongly recommended that you now select one or more of […]
Introduction This filter has been developed to demonstrate a transparent, freely available tool to enable parents to control access to material they deem inappropriate or potentially harmful to their children and at the same time protect freedom of expression. It is designed primarily to demonstrate filtering based on PICS and other techniques and is not, […]
Webmasters Why label? How to label. How labelling promotes choice not censorship. Parents Protect your children online and download our own free filter. Kids Top Tips to keep you safe online. LATEST NEWS Eco to be ICRA representative in German speaking countries More… Hong Kong to introduce Internet content rating system More… ICRAplus, ICRA’s new […]
Webmaster Warum kennzeichnen? Wie Sie kennzeichnen können. Warum Kennzeichnung die Entscheidung dem Nutzer überläßt und Zensur verhindert. Eltern Schützen Sie Ihr Kind Online und laden Sie sich unseren kostenlosen Filter herunter. Kinder Tipps, die Ihnen bei Ihrer Sicherheit im Netz helfen. NEWS Eco ist jetzt Local Representative von ICRA für deutschsprachige Länder Mehr… Hong Kong […]
Introduzione Questo filtro è stato sviluppato come dimostrazione di uno strumento trasparente e disponibile gratuitamente per consentire ai genitori di controllare l’accesso a materiale che considerano inadatto o potenzialmente dannoso per i propri figli, tutelando nel contempo la libertà di espressione. La sua progettazione ha come scopo principale quello di dimostrare le tecniche di filtro […]
ICRAplus is more than just another internet filter. It is the foundation that allows you to select and combine several filters to produce the precise solution you’re looking for. Naturally, ICRAplus fully supports ICRA’s self-labelling system. But as well as recognizing ICRA labels, it can also work with additional filters and block or allow access […]
ICRA works with a variety of organizations around the world which, in one way or another help to promote the protection of children form potentially harmful content and the protection of free speech on the internet. Many of our affiliates include ICRA labelling as part of a broader scheme. The inclusion of an affiliate on […]