Category Archives: Blog

Internet Content Rating Association::: Protetcing Kids with Digimarc

A Digimarc watermark is a special message embedded in an image. Digimarc’s software embeds these messages by making subtle changes to the brightness of the pixels in an image. These changes are so subtle that Digimarc watermarks are considered imperceptible. To help illustrate the impact of a digital watermark, below is a comparison of an […]

Vereinigung zur Klassifizierung von Internet Inhalten::: Protetcing Kids with Digimarc

Leider gibt es diese Seite nur in englischer Sprache Partners The Protecting Kids with Digimarc™ program is made possible through the combined efforts and technologies of the Internet Content Rating Association, Net Nanny, RuleSpace and Digimarc. The Internet Content Rating Association is an international, independent non-profit organization that empowers the public, especially parents, to make […]

Internet Content Rating Association – Valutazione del sito

Le informazioni qui raccolte includono dati di base riguardanti il Suo sito, necessari per creare un’etichetta, oltre ad alcuni altri dati informativi utilizzati per scopi statistici. Le chiediamo gentilmente di riempire tutti i campi, incluso il nome della Sua società, se disponibile. Questa registrazione è per … Un intero sito es. [ Aiuto ] […]

Internet Content Rating Association

3.6 Wie kennzeichne ich eine komplexe Site? ODER Ich habe das Etikett in meine Site eingefügt, erhalte jedoch die Fehlermeldung, dass das Etikett zu einer anderen Site gehört. Was ist passiert? Vermutlich hilft Ihnen der folgende Hinweis. Wenn Sie jedoch professioneller Webmaster sind und umfangreiche Sites mit mehreren Servern verwalten, klicken Sie hier, um Hinweise […]

Protecting Kids with Digimarc | How It Works

The Protecting Kids with Digimarc™ program works with content recognition and self-rating solutions, like ICRA Web site labels, to enable filtering solutions to more effectively help make the Internet safer for children. Content providers can easily and quickly watermark their images with a free Protecting Kids with Digimarc watermarking subscription. These subscriptions include a unique […]