A Digimarc watermark is a special message embedded in an image. Digimarc’s software embeds these messages by making subtle changes to the brightness of the pixels in an image. These changes are so subtle that Digimarc watermarks are considered imperceptible. To help illustrate the impact of a digital watermark, below is a comparison of an […]
Category Archives: Blog
Leider gibt es diese Seite nur in englischer Sprache Partners The Protecting Kids with Digimarc™ program is made possible through the combined efforts and technologies of the Internet Content Rating Association, Net Nanny, RuleSpace and Digimarc. The Internet Content Rating Association is an international, independent non-profit organization that empowers the public, especially parents, to make […]
Le informazioni qui raccolte includono dati di base riguardanti il Suo sito, necessari per creare un’etichetta, oltre ad alcuni altri dati informativi utilizzati per scopi statistici. Le chiediamo gentilmente di riempire tutti i campi, incluso il nome della Sua società, se disponibile. Questa registrazione è per … Un intero sito es. http://www.icra.org [ Aiuto ] […]
3.6 Wie kennzeichne ich eine komplexe Site? ODER Ich habe das Etikett in meine Site eingefügt, erhalte jedoch die Fehlermeldung, dass das Etikett zu einer anderen Site gehört. Was ist passiert? Vermutlich hilft Ihnen der folgende Hinweis. Wenn Sie jedoch professioneller Webmaster sind und umfangreiche Sites mit mehreren Servern verwalten, klicken Sie hier, um Hinweise […]
ICRA™ is committed to protecting the privacy of those who register and others who visit this site. Through the registration process certain information related to the registered site must be gathered if the labelling system is to work properly, including contact details for those responsible for the site. Although we may disclose information related to […]
The Internet is a great place to chat with people all over the world and make new friends, to learn about every subject possible and to have a great deal of fun. However, do take care – you could be at risk if you do not follow some simple steps… Always keep your personal details […]
As regular viewers of the Britain’s most-watched television programme will know, Sarah Louise Platt has become disenchanted with her social life and has turned to the internet to find new excitement. Little does she know that her virtual friendship is not with a fellow teenager, but with a middle-aged man, and she is lured into […]
The Internet Content Rating Association is an independent, non-profit organization with offices in the US and Europe. ICRA’s aim is to protect children from potentially harmful material while protecting the free speech rights of content providers. ICRA owns and operates the ICRA labelling system, and its RSACi forerunner.
Londres. 28 de febrero del 2001 EMPUJE A LA SEGURIDAD EN LÍNEA DE LOS NIÑOS SE LANZA ICRA EN CUATRO IDIOMAS En diciembre, ICRA lanzó el primer sistema de autoetiquetado diseñado para poder aplicar diversos valores culturales al filtrado de internet. A partir de hoy, este sistema está disponible en alemán, español y francés así […]
The Protecting Kids with Digimarc™ program works with content recognition and self-rating solutions, like ICRA Web site labels, to enable filtering solutions to more effectively help make the Internet safer for children. Content providers can easily and quickly watermark their images with a free Protecting Kids with Digimarc watermarking subscription. These subscriptions include a unique […]